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ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2006 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2006 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2006 Problem1.2
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ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2008 Problem1.2ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2008 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2008 Question3
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ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2013 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2013 Problem1.4ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2015 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2015 Problem1.2ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2015 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2015 Problem1.4
ECE PhD QE CNSIP 2017 Question2
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1.2
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1.4ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2001 Problem1.5
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1.2
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1.4ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2002 Problem1.5
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2003 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2004 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2004 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2004 Problem1.2ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2004 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2004 Problem1.4
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2006 Problem1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2006 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2006 Problem1.2
ECE PhD QE CNSIP Jan 2006 Problem1.3ECE PhD QE CS3 2011 Problem1ECE PhD QE ES1 2007
ECE PhD QE ES1 2008ECE PhD QE ES1 2008 Problem1ECE PhD QE ES1 2008 Problem2
ECE PhD QE ES1 2008 Problem3ECE PhD QE ES1 2009ECE PhD QE ES1 2009 Problem1
ECE PhD QE ES1 2009 Problem2ECE PhD QE ES1 2009 Problem3ECE PhD QE ES 2007 Problem1.a
ECE PhD QE ES 2007 Problem1.bECE PhD QE ES 2007 Problem2ECE PhD QE ES 2007 Problem3
ECE PhD QE FO2 2007ECE PhD QE FO2 2007 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2008
ECE PhD QE FO2 2008 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2009ECE PhD QE FO2 2009 1 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO2 2009 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2010ECE PhD QE FO2 2010 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO2 2011ECE PhD QE FO2 2011 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2012
ECE PhD QE FO2 2012 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2012 Problem2.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2012 Problem2.1other
ECE PhD QE FO2 2012 Problem3.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2013ECE PhD QE FO2 2013 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO2 2013 Problem2.1ECE PhD QE FO2 2013 Problem3.1ECE PhD QE FO3 2007
ECE PhD QE FO3 2007 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO3 2008ECE PhD QE FO3 2008 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO3 2009ECE PhD QE FO3 2009 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO3 2010
ECE PhD QE FO3 2010 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO3 2011ECE PhD QE FO3 2011 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO3 2012ECE PhD QE FO3 2012 1 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO3 2012 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO3 2013ECE PhD QE FO3 2013 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem1.2ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem2.1ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem2.2
ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem3.1ECE PhD QE FO 2011 Problem3.2ECE PhD QE FO 2012 Problem1.1
ECE PhD QE FO 2013 Problem1.1ECE PhD QE FO 2013 Problem2.1ECE PhD QE FO 2013 Problem3.1
ECE PhD QE Fields Optics 2011ECE PhD QE Fields Optics 2012ECE PhD QE Fields Optics 2013
ECE PhD QE MN1 2007ECE PhD QE MN1 2008ECE PhD QE MN1 2009
ECE PhD QE MN1 2010ECE PhD QE MN1 2011ECE PhD QE MN1 2012
ECE PhD QE MN1 2013ECE PhD QE MN2 2007ECE PhD QE MN2 2008
ECE PhD QE MN2 2009ECE PhD QE MN2 2010ECE PhD QE MN2 2011
ECE PhD QE MN2 2012ECE PhD QE MN2 2013ECE PhD QE MN3 2009
ECE PhD QE MN3 2011ECE PhD QE MN3 2012ECE PhD QE MN3 2013
ECE PhD QE PE1 2010ECE PhD QE PE1 2010 Problem1ECE PhD QE PE1 2010 Problem2
ECE PhD QE PE1 2010 Problem3 11ECE PhD QE PE1 2011ECE PhD QE PE1 2011 Problem1
ECE PhD QE PE1 2011 Problem2ECE PhD QE PE1 2011 Problem3ECE PhD QE PE1 2012
ECE PhD QE PE1 2012 Problem1ECE PhD QE PE1 2012 Problem2ECE PhD QE PE1 2012 Problem3
ECE PhD QE PE1 2013ECE PhD QE PE1 2013 Problem1ECE PhD QE PE1 2013 Problem2
ECE PhD QE PE1 2013 Problem3 8ECE PhD QE PE1 2014ECE PhD QE PE1 2014 Problem1a
ECE PhD QE PE1 2014 Problem1bECE PhD QE PE1 2014 Problem2aECE PhD QE PE1 2014 Problem2b
ECE PhD QE PE1 2015ECE PhD QE PE1 2016ECE PhD QE PE1 2017
ECE PhD Qualifying ExamsECE QE CE-5ECE Student Society
ECE fellowship initiativeECE rnadipal Practiceproblem1ECEtrial
EE602 OldKiwi
EE602 Old KiwiEE662Sp10AbstarctAlgebraEE662Sp10BayesExample
EE662Sp10SymmetricGroupEE662Sp10 HiddenMarkovModel
ENGL 420 Reynoso BlogEPICSEPICS ECE Recruting Video
EPICS EssaysETS Bridge Building Team 2010EVAN'S FAVORITE THEOREM MA375Fall2008walther
EXAM1 ECE301 Spring2011 Prof Boutin StatisticsEXAM2 ECE301 Spring2011 Prof Boutin StatisticsE infinity and P infinity - Evan Witkoske
E infinity and P infinity - Mark Scherschel II (mschersc)E infinity and P infinity Arjun BajajE infinity and P infinity calculations - William Owens (wtowens)
E infinity and P infinity for CT signal - Tyler Mattmuller (smattmul)E infinity and P infinity for DT signal - Jamis Martin (jfmartin)E infinity and P infinity properties proof - Muhammad Aizuddin Zulkifli (mzulkifl)
E infinty & P infinty - Ryne Rayburn (rrayburn)Earnest's Favorite Theorem MA453Fall2008waltherEce264Lecture26
Ece264 s2011 student notesEce311notesEce438f19achakrabortybonus
Ece438f19mvermabonusEce438f19trujillabonusEce624 note
Ece 302 bonus2--Gena XieEchelon form of matricesEchelon form of matrices MA265F12Alvarado
Eclipse Qt Integration - Getting StartedEdge Detection with Gaussian BlurEditing Questions
Editing technique OldKiwiEditing technique Old KiwiEfinitePinfinity
EfinitepzeroEigen Value(linear algebra)Eigen Vector(linear algebra)
Eigen value and eigen vectorEigenvaluesEigenvalues MA265F10Walther
Eigenvalues MA265F11WaltherEinstein's Mistakes: The Human Failings of Genius' by Hans C. Ohanian MA453Fall2008waltherEinstein Proven Right MA375Fall2008walther
Einstein Proven Right MA453Fall2008waltherElementary Linear Algebra Chapter 4: Real Vector SpacesEmbedded Fixed Point FFT
Emily's ScheduleEmily's favorite theorem MA375Fall2008waltherEmilyH's Schedule
Emily Blount: DT and CT frequency response for systems characterized by Linear, Constant coefficients, Difference Equations ECE301Fall2008mboutinEmily Blount: Sampling Theorem ECE301Fall2008mboutinEmily Blount ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Emily Raymond's Favorite TheoremEmily Raymond's Solution to 5.5 MA375Fall2008waltherEmily Thompson - Homework 2.6
Emir Kavurmacioglu ECE302Fall2008sanghaviEmpty set contained in every setEnergy Sources and Systems OldKiwi
Energy Sources and Systems Old KiwiEnhanced video george zimmerman DSP discussionEntertainment videos ECE400F14
EntryEquality and respect Policy (Computational Imaging Lab)Equivalences of Well-ordered Relation
Erdos-Woods ProblemEric Lewis Bonus 2Eric Smith: Aliasing ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Eric Zarowny - Convolution and Change of Variables in Discrete Time ECE301Fall2008mboutinError notes MA181Fall2008bellEssayContestFall2009
Essay Contest Winners 2010Essay Writing ContestEssay contest discussion
Estimating the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow MA453Fall2008waltherEstimation Using Nearest NeighborEstimation of Classifiability OldKiwi
Estimation of Classifiability Old KiwiEstimator - coin w/ unknown bias ECE302Fall2008sanghaviEthics At Purdue
Ethics assignmentECE400F13Ethics assignmentECE400S12Ethics assignmentECE400S14
Ethics assignmentECE400f14Ethics of ProcrastinationEthics on Working as a Team, Collaborating, and Alone
Ethics on Working as a Team, Collaborating, and Alone ECE400F13Ethics to Be a successful ECE student ECE400F13Ethics to be successful ECE student ECE400F13
Ethic¬s to be successful ECE student ECE400F13EuclidGroupsMA460Fall09Euclidean Distance (ED) OldKiwi
Euclidean Distance (ED) Old KiwiEuler's IdentityEuler's Identity - Adam Frey
Euler's formula MA453Fall2008waltherEuler phi-function MA453Fall2008waltherEvan's Availability
Evan Hanna's solution to H/W 5.5 problem 54 MA375Fall2008waltherEvan WItkoske - Homework 2.6Evansfavoritetheorem MA375Fall2008walther
Even & odd signalsEventsEvidence OldKiwi
Evidence Old KiwiExactly whenExam1 (ECE438BoutinSpring09)
Exam1 ECE301Fall2008mboutinExam2GradeDistribution.xlsx OldKiwiExam2GradeDistribution.xlsx Old Kiwi
Exam2 (ECE438BoutinSpring09)Exam2 Poll(BoutinSpring2009)Exam3.2 OldKiwi
Exam3.2 Old KiwiExam3 (ECE438BoutinSpring09)Exam3 ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Exam3 OldKiwi.pdfExam3 Old Kiwi.pdfExam3 review
ExamReviewNav ECE301Fall2008mboutinExamSolutions OldKiwi.pdfExamSolutions Old Kiwi.pdf
Exam 1,2/13/2002 ECE302Fall2008sanghaviExam 1 - Summer 08 (ECE301Summer2008asan)
Exam 1 - Summer 08 OldKiwiExam 1 - Summer 08 Old KiwiExam 1 Formula's (ECE301Summer2008asan)
Exam 1 Formula's OldKiwiExam 1 Formula's Old KiwiExam 1 OldKiwi
Exam 1 Old KiwiExam 1 Student ReviewExam 2 OldKiwi
Exam 2 Old KiwiExam 2 Student ReviewExam 2 Time Discussion
Exam 3.1 OldKiwiExam 3.1 Old KiwiExam 3.3 OldKiwi
Exam 3.3 Old KiwiExam 3.3 fix error in class OldKiwiExam 3.3 fix error in class Old Kiwi
Exam 3.4 OldKiwiExam 3.4 OldKiwi.altExam 3.4 Old Kiwi
Exam 3.4 Old Kiwi.altExam 3.5 OldKiwiExam 3.5 Old Kiwi
Exam 3 OldKiwiExam 3 Old KiwiExam 3 Student Review
Exam 3 review 264
Exam 9.1 OldKiwiExam 9.1 Old KiwiExam 9.2 OldKiwi
Exam 9.2 Old KiwiExam 9.4 OldKiwiExam 9.4 Old Kiwi
Exam 9.5 OldKiwiExam 9.5 Old KiwiExam 9.6 OldKiwi
Exam 9.6 Old KiwiExam 9.7 OldKiwiExam 9.7 Old Kiwi
Exam 9.8 OldKiwiExam 9.8 Old KiwiExam 9.9 OldKiwi

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang