Discussion about the essay contest

The Rhea team is organizing an essay contest. The idea is to

  1. Select a few topics and invite students to write a page on one of these topics
  2. students who wish their page to be considered will have to officially enter it into the contest.
  3. A team of students will select a number of good pages from all pages entered into the contest.
  4. Rhea users will then be asked to vote for the best pages.
  5. The author/authors of he best page for each topic will be awarded a cash prize.

Please post your thoughts, comments, topic ideas below.

  • About the topics. We are thinking of having three topics: one EE related, one CompE/CS related, and one math related. I was thinking of "Why you should cherish the Fourier transform" for EE. Somebody suggested "The future of operating systems" for Compe/CS. We do not know what would be a good topic for math. Please help! --Mboutin 09:45, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett