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Python resources OldKiwiPython resources Old KiwiQA Aziza Satkhozhina ECEslecture Intro to local density estimation
QA Nusaybah Abumulaweh ECEslecture Intro to Nonparametric density estimationQE2007 AC-1 ECE382QE2007 CS-4 ECE580
QE2010 CS-2 ECE538QE2011 CS-2 ECE538QE2012 AC-3 ECE580
QE2012 AC-3 ECE580-1QE2012 AC-3 ECE580-2QE2012 AC-3 ECE580-3
QE2012 AC-3 ECE580-4QE2012 AC-3 ECE580-5QE2013 AC-3 ECE580
QE2013 AC-3 ECE580-1QE2013 AC-3 ECE580-2QE2013 AC-3 ECE580-3
QE2013 AC-3 ECE580-4QE2013 AC-3 ECE580-5QE2015 AC-3 ECE580
QE2016 AC-3 ECE580QE2016 CS-5 ECE637QE2017 AC-1 ECE382
QE2017 AC-3 ECE580QE637 2013 Pro1QE637 2013 Pro2
QE637 2014 Pro1QE637 2014 Pro2QE637 T
QE637 T Pro1QE637 T Pro2QE637 sol2012
QE637 sol2012 Q1QE637 sol2012 Q2QE637 sol2013
QE637 sol2013 Q1QE637 sol2013 Q2QE:HKN QE OldKiwi
QE:HKN QE Old KiwiQE:TestQE OldKiwiQE:TestQE Old Kiwi
QE 2017 CS-5QE talk:HKN QE OldKiwiQE talk:HKN QE Old Kiwi
QEsLittleHelperQuadratic Programming Problem OldKiwiQuadratic Programming Problem Old Kiwi
Quadrics MA265F10WaltherQuantization and Classification using K-Means ClusteringQuaternions: History
QuestionPageQuestion 12 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 13 MA453Fall2008walther
Question 16 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 22 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 2 from file
Question 32 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 34 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 3 (ECE438Spring2009mboutin
Question 3 (ECE438Spring2009mboutin)Question 3 from fileQuestion 4
Question 49 MA453Fall2008waltherQuestion 5 (ECE438Spring2009mboutin)
Question 7.1Question 7.4Question 7.5
Question 8.1Question 8.2Question 8.3
Question 8.4Question 9.1Question 9.2
Question 9.3Question 9.4Question about Chapter 3, Problem 4
Question about second part?Question and Comments on BPE
Question from fileQuestionsQuestions & Answers
Questions DTFT AboveBelowNyquist SahilQuestions ECE302Fall2008sanghavi
Questions OldKiwiQuestions Old KiwiQuestions Page
Questions Prof. Pollak ECE301Fall2009Questions about RheaQuestions and Answers for Fourier Transform of a Rep and Comb
Questions and commentsQuestions for Mimi (ECE438BoutinSpring2009)Questions for Uli
Questions limits of functionsQuestions speakers assignmentECE400S12QuiverMutationsMA271Sayers
Quiz1 set definition ECE302 S13 BoutinQuiz2 set operation prove De Morgan Law ECE302 S13 BoutinQuiz3 set theory probability S13 Boutin
Quiz4 expectation discrete RV ECE302 S13 BoutinQuiz5 cdf GaussianRV ECE302 S13 BoutinQuiz6 cdf GaussianRV2 ECE302 S13 Boutin
Quiz7 expectation continuousRV ECE302 S13 BoutinQuiz8 Poisson process ECE302 S13 BoutinRCochran slecture review
REU-list-2015REVIEWMA527Fall2010RGB Image disintegration & reconstruction
ROC curve analysis slecture ECE662 Spring0214 SunROC curve analysis slecture ECE662 Spring0214 Sun review
ROC curves OldKiwiROC curves Old Kiwi
ROCs in Laplace transformROCs in Z-transformROCs in Z transforms - Evan Witkoske
RTG-Chicago-2016RUE-FIT-2017-2016RV Coin Machine, Lec 17 on 10/10 ECE302Fall2008sanghavi
Rachel's favorite themorem MA453Fall2008waltherRahul's Favorite Theorem MA375Fall2008waltherRahul's solution to problem 54 MA375Fall2008walther
Rakesh's solution MA375Fall2008waltherRakesh Veeramacheneni favorite Theorem MA375Fall2008waltherRandom
RandomQuestions MA375Fall2008waltherRank nullity theorem (linear algebra)
Read More about the topicReading and Writing Files
Reading guide (ECE438BoutinSpring2009)Real-time Audio FFT VisualizerReal/Imaginary/Complex Signals - Clears up the Differences OldKiwi
Real/Imaginary/Complex Signals - Clears up the Differences Old KiwiReceiver Operating Characteristic OldKiwiReceiver Operating Characteristic Old Kiwi
Recent questions for discussionRecognizing voice passwords using Fixed point FFTRecommendations for nonlinear discrimination methods OldKiwi
Recommendations for nonlinear discrimination methods Old KiwiRecommended exercise Fourier series computationRecommended exercise Fourier series computation DT
ReconstructionRecurrent State and Transient StateRecursion
Reduced Row Echelon FormReferenceReference OldKiwi
Reference Old KiwiReference Pages MA375Fall2008waltherReference Pages MA453Fall2008walther
References MA375Fall2008waltherReferences OldKiwiReferences Old Kiwi
Regularization OldKiwiRegularization Old KiwiReinforcement learning OldKiwi
Reinforcement learning Old KiwiRelationship between DTFT & Z-Transform - Howard HoRemarkHWK3MA527Fall2013
RemoteUnattachedProcessesRep and Comb functions : Lecture on 26/08/09
Research Group ListResearch Laboratory Prof BoutinResearch opportunities in mathematics thanks to Andy Zoltners
Residence HallRestrictions of Stationary DistributionReview1MA527Fall2013
Review2MA527Fall2013ReviewFinalMA527Fall2013Review Homework 17 OldKiwi
Review Homework 17 Old KiwiReview Homework 33 OldKiwiReview Homework 33 Old Kiwi
Review kjw810313Review of ReparametrizingReview of an alternative book by M.J. Roberts
Review on Intro local non parametric density estimation methods ECE662 Spring2014 YuanReview on K-Nearest Neighbors Density EstimationReview on Support Vector Machine
Reviews on Bayes Parameter Estimation with examplesReviews on Neyman-Pearson Lemma and Receiver Operating Characteristic CurveReviews on Parzen window density estimation
Reviews on curse of dimensionalityReviewsdeufelRhea's story
Rhea-ECE462Rhea-ECE462 FeaturesRhea: Uniqueness of pages
RheaProjMA375Spring14 WeijieRheaUsesShortPresentationAugust09Rhea Awards
Rhea BountiesRhea Course Template 1
Rhea Course Template 2Rhea Course Template 3Rhea Drawing App Awarded to Albert Parra
Rhea Drawing Application And Image Upload From Android DeviceRhea Graph Analytic ToolRhea Photo Upload App Awarded to Albert Parra
Rhea PortalRhea Team
Rhea sponsorsRiddle1: Carnival Game AnticsRiddle1: Solution
Riddle2:Riddle 2 SolutionRiddles MA375Fall2008walther
Riddles and FunRiemannSumErrorProof MA181Fall2008bellRiemannSurfacesFall20
Right-sided/Left-sided Regions of Convergence - Satya HegdeRing MA453Fall2008waltherRings MA453Fall2008walther
Rob G-W's favorite theoremRob Swanson - ECE 301 Summer 2009Rob Swanson - Homework 2.6
Robert's Exam OldKiwiRobert's Exam Old KiwiRobert Harwood's Favorite Theorem
Role of Women in Science and Engineering MA453Fall2008waltherRoman314Ross Exam 1 Graded OldKiwi
Ross Exam 1 Graded Old KiwiRoss Exam 2 Graded OldKiwiRoss Exam 2 Graded Old Kiwi
Ross Kersey's Favorite TheoremRrrRtabchou's Solution MA375Fall2008walther
Ryan Scott: A Laplace example from class ECE301Fall2008mboutinRyan Scott: Aliasing and how to avoid it ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Ryne Rayburn - ECE 301 - DT Inverse Fourier TransformRyne Rayburn - ECE 301 Summer 2009Ryne Rayburn - ECE 301 Summer 2009 - DT Convo
Ryne Rayburn - Homework 3.6Ryne Rayburn intro and questions ECE400S12SA1050
SDR RelatedSH QE2017 AC-1 ECE382SL270TB
SRH Slecture ReviewSSH Tunneling MA375STEM-2015
STORE CLOSINGS -- 2008 MA453Fall2008waltherSVM-2D OldKiwiSVM-2D Old Kiwi
SVMAndApplicationsSahil Khosla 6.2 ECE302Fall2008sanghaviSamping and reconstruction of sinc ECE301S11
Samping and reconstruction of sinc multiplied by cosine ECE301S11Samping and reconstruction of sinc multiplied by exponential ECE301S11Samping and reconstruction of sinc multiplied by exponential no1 ECE301S11
Samping and reconstruction of sinc multiplied by exponential no2 ECE301S11Sample Page 2Sample Sine
Sample code enerating random data ECE662S14 slecture gheithSamplingSampling (ECE301Summer2008asan)
Sampling ECE438F10Sampling OldKiwiSampling Old Kiwi
Sampling Rate Conversion - DownsamplingSampling Theorem
Sampling pure frequencies ECE438F10Sampling theorem ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Sampling theorem reviewSandboxSang's Schecule
SangMo JE ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangMo Je: HW ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangMo Je: Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem ECE301Fall2008mboutin
SangMo Je ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangwan Han --HW ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangwan Han - Brief explanation and Example question for Fourier Transform ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Sangwan Han ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangwan Han HW 11 ECE301Fall2008mboutinSangwan han HW ECE301Fall2008mboutin
SantaFe-REU-2014Sarah's favorite theorem MA453Fall2008waltherSayings MA453Fall2008walther
ScalarScanned Lecture NotesSchedule surveyECE662S09
Schmitt TriggerScholarships ECE495fundnanoSchools Chief: Schools deserve bailout, too MA453Fall2008walther
Scilab - resources related to Scilab OldKiwiScilab - resources related to Scilab Old KiwiScilab OldKiwi
Scilab Old KiwiScott Duttlinger's Favorite TheoremScott Duttlinger's Response
Script to convert data from the LIBSVM to the FANN format OldKiwiScript to convert data from the LIBSVM to the FANN format Old KiwiSean Exam 3 OldKiwi
Sean Exam 3 Old KiwiSean Kovich's Exam 1 OldKiwiSean Kovich's Exam 1 Old Kiwi
Sean Kovich - EXAM 2 OldKiwiSean Kovich - EXAM 2 Old KiwiSean hu
Sections 3.1 - 3.2Sections 3.1 - 3.5Selected ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Senior Design: Huge Universal Language Keyboard ECE 477Senior design discussion engineeringSeparable equation (MA 366)
Separating similarly named conceptsSeptember 9 MA375Fall2008waltherSeraj Dosenbach ECE302Fall2008sanghavi
Session 1 ECE301Fall2008mboutinSetting up WubiSeung Seob Lee-am I the only one? or is it an error? ECE301Fall2008mboutin
Seung Seob Lee: ECE301Fall2008mboutinSeung Seob Lee ECE301Fall2008mboutinShannon Abrell- Homework 2.6
Shao-Fu Shih - 2.c ECE302Fall2008sanghaviShao-Fu Shih 10.4 ECE302Fall2008sanghaviSharks' answers OldKiwi
Sharks' answers Old KiwiShashwat Devgan sd exam2 OldKiwi.pdfShashwat Devgan sd exam2 Old Kiwi.pdf

Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett