We wish to share the following information about NSF funded REU Site on PDEs and Dynamical Systems at Florida Institute of Technology with your eligible undergraduate students. FIT REU is designed to involve undergraduate students in innovative research in nonlinear partial differential equations, optimal control and inverse problems for systems with distributed parameters, and dynamical systems and chaos theory. The goal of the REU Site is to equip students with intuitional and rigorous proof skills which allow them to tackle cutting-edge open problem in mathematics.
Currently we are collecting applications for the anticipated REU 2017 summer site. Application portal and more information about the FIT REU Site can be found in the following link: http://math.reu.fit.edu
Best regards, Ugur Abdulla
Ugur G. Abdulla, Ph.D.,Dr.Sci. Professor and Department Head
Department of Mathematical Sciences Florida Institute of Technology Phone: (321)6748765 Email: abdulla@fit.edu
FIT REU on PDEs and Dynamical Systems - http://math.reu.fit.edu/
Ugur Abdulla's Mathematical Blog - http://math.reu.fit.edu/blog/