Several features can be very helpful to ECE 462 (and other programming classes):

  • A version control server. Right now, setting up a version control server is somewhat cumbersome. Sharing a repository requires ECN setting up groups. A better solution is to allow students to create their own repositories and decide who can access the files (read only or read + write). Something like sourceforge would be very helpful. It can track progress, show contributions by individuals, and so on. There are many version management tools. Can you evaluate them, pick a good one, and port it to Rhea?
  • Source-to-video. Can you submit source files (Java or C++ Qt) and the web site automatically compile and execute the program, and perform screen capture to create a video of the demo mode of your games?

Other ideas are welcome.

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Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett