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'''[[ECE662]]: Statistical Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Processes'''
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[http://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/ECE662#Class_Lecture_Notes Class Lecture Notes]
Spring 2008, [[user:mboutin|Prof. Boutin]]
<font size= 3> Collectively created by the students in [[ECE662:BoutinSpring08_OldKiwi|the class]]</font size>
Example of a useful Parzen window function <math>\in \mathbb{R}^n</math>
=Lecture 16 Lecture notes=
Jump to: [[ECE662_Pattern_Recognition_Decision_Making_Processes_Spring2008_sLecture_collective|Outline]]|
[[Lecture 1 - Introduction_OldKiwi|1]]|
[[Lecture 2 - Decision Hypersurfaces_OldKiwi|2]]|
[[Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_OldKiwi|3]]|
[[Lecture 4 - Bayes Classification_OldKiwi|4]]|
[[Lecture 5 - Discriminant Functions_OldKiwi|5]]|
[[Lecture 6 - Discriminant Functions_OldKiwi|6]]|
[[Lecture 7 - MLE and BPE_OldKiwi|7]]|
[[Lecture 8 - MLE, BPE and Linear Discriminant Functions_OldKiwi|8]]|
[[Lecture 9 - Linear Discriminant Functions_OldKiwi|9]]|
[[Lecture 10 - Batch Perceptron and Fisher Linear Discriminant_OldKiwi|10]]|
[[Lecture 11 - Fischer's Linear Discriminant again_OldKiwi|11]]|
[[Lecture 12 - Support Vector Machine and Quadratic Optimization Problem_OldKiwi|12]]|
[[Lecture 13 - Kernel function for SVMs and ANNs introduction_OldKiwi|13]]| 
[[Lecture 14 - ANNs, Non-parametric Density Estimation (Parzen Window)_OldKiwi|14]]|
[[Lecture 15 - Parzen Window Method_OldKiwi|15]]|
[[Lecture 16 - Parzen Window Method and K-nearest Neighbor Density Estimate_OldKiwi|16]]|
[[Lecture 17 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics_OldKiwi|17]]|
[[Lecture 18 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics(Continued)_OldKiwi|18]]|
[[Lecture 19 - Nearest Neighbor Error Rates_OldKiwi|19]]|
[[Lecture 20 - Density Estimation using Series Expansion and Decision Trees_OldKiwi|20]]|
[[Lecture 21 - Decision Trees(Continued)_OldKiwi|21]]|
[[Lecture 22 - Decision Trees and Clustering_OldKiwi|22]]|
[[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_OldKiwi|23]]|
[[Lecture 24 - Clustering and Hierarchical Clustering_OldKiwi|24]]|
[[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_OldKiwi|25]]|
[[Lecture 26 - Statistical Clustering Methods_OldKiwi|26]]|
[[Lecture 27 - Clustering by finding valleys of densities_OldKiwi|27]]|
[[Lecture 28 - Final lecture_OldKiwi|28]]
== Example of a useful Parzen window function <math>\in \mathbb{R}^n</math> ==
Figure 1
[[image: Lec16_pw_pic1.PNG]]
<center>[[Image:lec16_pw_pic1_OldKiwi.PNG|frame|Figure 1 - Useful Parzen Window <math>\in \mathbb{R}^n</math> ]]</center>
This function has zero mean, H variance, an n-dimensional density, and is not compactly supported.
This function has zero mean, H variance, an n-dimensional density, and is not compactly supported.
You can use any <math>\varphi</math> such that:
1) <math>\varphi(\vec{u})>0,\forall\vec{u}</math>
2) <math>\int_{R^n}\varphi(\vec{u})d\vec{u}=1</math>
Given i samples <math>\vec{X}_1,\vec{X}_2,...,\vec{X}_i\in{R}^n</math>,
\varphi(\frac{ \vec{X_l}-\vec{X_0} }{h_i} )</math>, where <math>h_i</math> is a number that controls <math>V_i</math>.
i.e. <math>V_i=h_i^n</math> since <math>V_i=\int\varphi(\frac{\vec{u}}{h_i})d\vec{u}</math>
Letting <math>\vec{v}=\frac{\vec{u}}{h_i}</math> and <math>d\vec{v}=\frac{1}{h_i^n}d\vec{u}</math>, we have:
<math>tex: V_i=\int{h_i^n}\varphi(\vec{v})d\vec{v}=h_i^n\int_{R^n}\varphi(\vec{v})d\vec{v}=h_i^n</math>
<math>p_1(\vec{X}_0)=\frac{1}{i\cdot{h_i^n}}\displaystyle\sum_{l=1}^{i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{X}_l-\vec{X}_0}{h_i})</math>  For convergence (in mean square) we need <math>i\cdot{V_i}\displaystyle\to\infty
</math> as <math>i\to\infty</math>
i.e. <math>i\cdot{h_i^n}\to\infty</math> as <math>i\to\infty</math>, and <math>h_i\to{0}</math> as <math>i\to\infty</math>.
== How to make a decision using Parzen window method of density estimation ==
-> Given samples <math>{X_1}^j, {X_2}^j ,..., {X_{d_j}}^j</math>, for class <math>w_j</math>, i=1,2...,c
The total number of samples for all classes is <math>N</math>.
Choose <math>w_j</math> such that <math>P(w_j|\vec{x_0}) \geq P(w_i|\vec{x_0})</math>, for all i=1,2,...,c
<math>\Longleftrightarrow p(\vec{x_0}|w_j)P(w_j)\geq p(\vec{x_0}|w_i)P(w_i) \forall i</math>
<math>\Longleftrightarrow p(\vec{x_0}, w_j) \geq p(\vec{x_0}, w_i) \forall i</math>
,where <math>p(\vec{x_0},w_j) \simeq \frac{1}{N\cdot V} \sum_{l=1}^{d_j}\varphi(\frac{\vec{{x_l}^j}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) \geq \frac{1}{N\cdot V} \sum_{l=1}^{d_i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{{x_l}^i}-\vec{x_0}}{h})</math>
Therefore, <math>\sum_{l=1}^{d_j}\varphi(\frac{\vec{x_l^j}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) \geq \sum_{l=1}^{d_i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{x_l^i}-\vec{x_0}}{h})</math>
In the last equation, the first term represents <math>K_j</math> around <math>x_0</math>, and the second term represents <math>K_i</math> around <math>x_0</math>.
"Assign category of majority vote of neighbors", where total # of samples = <math>\sum_{i=1}^{d}d_i</math>.
Training error can be made=0 (by taking V small enough)
but V too small=>spikiness =>high test error
== Parzen Window Code ==
* '''PLEASE HELP FIX THE MATLAB CODE !!!!'''[[Parzen Window Estimation example_OldKiwi]]
* [[Working Parzen Window Code in Scilab_OldKiwi]]
== K-nearest neighbor density estimate ==
K-Nearest neighbors is a supervised algorithm which basically counts the k-nearest features to determine the class of a sample. The classifiers do not use any model to fit. Given a query, KNN counts the k nearest neighbor points and decide on the class which takes the majority of votes.
It is a simple and efficient algorithm that only calculates the distance of a new sample to the nearest neighbors.
Assign category based on majority vote of k nearest neighbor. The distance can be chosen as Euclidean distance.
In order to specify the class of green circle, 3-nearest neighbors are counted and because red triangles are more than blue squares, the class of green circle is red triangle.
Assign category based on majority vote of k nearest neighbor
1) Choose region function <math>\varphi</math>
for example, hypersphere
<math>\varphi \left(  \frac{\vec{x}-\vec{x_0}}{h}  \right)= 1, \qquad ||\frac{\vec{x}-\vec{x_0}}{h}|| <1</math>.....(1)
<math>\quad  \quad \qquad  =0, \quad else</math>
Dual to this is the K-nearest neighbors in <math>L_2</math> sense (Euclidean distance)
<math>\varphi \left(  \frac{x-x_0}{h}  \right)= 1, \qquad \mid \frac{x-x_0}{h} \mid < \frac{1}{2}</math>.....(2)
<math>\quad  \quad \qquad  =0, \quad else</math>.....(3)
Dual to this is K-nearest neighbor in <math>L_{\infty}</math> sense. Mimi recommended this metric. Why ? ....
If <math>\varphi</math> normal density, there is no dual to this i.e there can not be a metric defined for a gaussian kernel.
2) Pick K
+ k odd, better for 2 category case => no tie vote
+ k=1, same as nearest neighbor decision rule
3) Given <math>x_0 \in</math> feature space and samples <math>\vec{x_1},\cdots, \vec{x_d}</math>, approximate <math>p(x_0)</math> by
<math>\bar{p} (x_0)= \frac{K-1}{dV(x_0)}</math>=> unbiased estimate
where <math>V(x_0)</math> is volume of smallest region R around <math>x_0</math>, containing K samples (called prototypes)
or more generally
<math>\overline{p}\left(x_{0}\right)=\frac{k-\#\, of\, samples\, on\, boundary}{dV(x)}</math>.....(4)
this yields,
if <math>p(x_0)</math> where <math>\frac{K}{dV(x_0)}</math> then <math>E[\bar{p}(x_0)]=\frac{K}{K-1}p(\vec{x}_0)</math>
Decision rule is still based majority vote
<math>\frac{K-1}{dV(x_0)} < \frac{K-1}{dV(x)}</math> => yields an unbiased estimate
<math>p(x_0)</math> is a random variable
<math>\bar{p}(x_0)=\frac{K}{dV(x_0)}</math>, where <math>V(x_0)</math> is random variable
=> hard to evaluate density of <math>V(x_0)</math>
Consider u
<math>u:=\displaystyle \int_{R -  B_R} p(x) dx</math>.....(6)
where <math>B_R</math> is small band around R
<math>\Rightarrow u \approx p(x_0) V(x_0)</math>.....(7)
<math>\Delta u = \displaystyle \int _{B_R} p(x) dx</math>.....(8)
Let G= event "K-1 samples fall into <math>R- B_R</math>"
and H= event "1 samples falls into band"
<math>p(G)=C^{d}_{k-1} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k+1}</math>.....(10)
<math>P(H \mid G)= C^{d-k+1}_{1} \left( \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right)  { \left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right) } ^{d-k}</math>.....(11)
<math>C^{d}_{k+1} \left( \frac{d-k+1}{1} \right) \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k+1} \left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right)</math>.....(12)
keeping the first order term in Taylor approximation
i.e., <math>\left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u}  \right) \approx 1</math> for <math>\Delta u</math> small
<math>\Rightarrow P(G,H) \approx \Delta u \frac{d!}{(k-1)! (d-k)!} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k}</math> for <math>\Delta u</math> small
<math>E[ \bar{p} (x_0)]=E \left[ \frac{k-1}{dV(x_0)} \right] \approx E \left[ \frac{(k-1)}{du} p(x_0) \right] = \displaystyle \int \frac{(k-1)}{du} p(x_0) p_u (u) du = p(x_0)</math>.....(13)
== Useful links ==
Applet- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zhuxj/courseproject/knndemo/KNN.html
Useful lecture note:http://www.cs.haifa.ac.il/~rita/ml_course/lectures/KNN.pdf
The advantages and disadvantages of nonparametric methods: http://informatik.unibas.ch/lehre/ws05/cs232/_Folien/04_Density_Estimation_3.pdf
The Comparions Parzen Study: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ich/classes/mumt611_07/classifiers/ComparisonParzenStudy.pdf
[[Category:Lecture Notes]]
<center><font size= 4>
Click [[KNN_Algorithm_OldKiwi|here]] for a [[KNN_Algorithm_OldKiwi|student summary of the KNN and other non-parametric]] techniques (including pseudo-code).
</font size>
Previous: [[Lecture_15_-_Parzen_Window_Method_OldKiwi|Lecture 15]]
Next: [[Lecture_17_-_Nearest_Neighbors_Clarification_Rule_and_Metrics_OldKiwi|Lecture 17]]
[[ECE662:BoutinSpring08_OldKiwi|Back to ECE662 Spring 2008 Prof. Boutin]]
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Latest revision as of 11:22, 10 June 2013

ECE662: Statistical Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Processes

Spring 2008, Prof. Boutin


Collectively created by the students in the class

Lecture 16 Lecture notes

Jump to: Outline| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28

Example of a useful Parzen window function $ \in \mathbb{R}^n $

Figure 1 - Useful Parzen Window $ \in \mathbb{R}^n $

This function has zero mean, H variance, an n-dimensional density, and is not compactly supported.

You can use any $ \varphi $ such that:

1) $ \varphi(\vec{u})>0,\forall\vec{u} $

2) $ \int_{R^n}\varphi(\vec{u})d\vec{u}=1 $

Given i samples $ \vec{X}_1,\vec{X}_2,...,\vec{X}_i\in{R}^n $,

$ P_i(\vec{X}_0)=\frac{1}{i\cdot{V}_i}\displaystyle\sum_{l=1}^{i} \varphi(\frac{ \vec{X_l}-\vec{X_0} }{h_i} ) $, where $ h_i $ is a number that controls $ V_i $.

i.e. $ V_i=h_i^n $ since $ V_i=\int\varphi(\frac{\vec{u}}{h_i})d\vec{u} $

Letting $ \vec{v}=\frac{\vec{u}}{h_i} $ and $ d\vec{v}=\frac{1}{h_i^n}d\vec{u} $, we have:

$ tex: V_i=\int{h_i^n}\varphi(\vec{v})d\vec{v}=h_i^n\int_{R^n}\varphi(\vec{v})d\vec{v}=h_i^n $

$ p_1(\vec{X}_0)=\frac{1}{i\cdot{h_i^n}}\displaystyle\sum_{l=1}^{i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{X}_l-\vec{X}_0}{h_i}) $ For convergence (in mean square) we need $ i\cdot{V_i}\displaystyle\to\infty $ as $ i\to\infty $

i.e. $ i\cdot{h_i^n}\to\infty $ as $ i\to\infty $, and $ h_i\to{0} $ as $ i\to\infty $.

How to make a decision using Parzen window method of density estimation

-> Given samples $ {X_1}^j, {X_2}^j ,..., {X_{d_j}}^j $, for class $ w_j $, i=1,2...,c

The total number of samples for all classes is $ N $.

Choose $ w_j $ such that $ P(w_j|\vec{x_0}) \geq P(w_i|\vec{x_0}) $, for all i=1,2,...,c

$ \Longleftrightarrow p(\vec{x_0}|w_j)P(w_j)\geq p(\vec{x_0}|w_i)P(w_i) \forall i $

$ \Longleftrightarrow p(\vec{x_0}, w_j) \geq p(\vec{x_0}, w_i) \forall i $

,where $ p(\vec{x_0},w_j) \simeq \frac{1}{N\cdot V} \sum_{l=1}^{d_j}\varphi(\frac{\vec{{x_l}^j}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) \geq \frac{1}{N\cdot V} \sum_{l=1}^{d_i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{{x_l}^i}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) $

Therefore, $ \sum_{l=1}^{d_j}\varphi(\frac{\vec{x_l^j}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) \geq \sum_{l=1}^{d_i}\varphi(\frac{\vec{x_l^i}-\vec{x_0}}{h}) $

In the last equation, the first term represents $ K_j $ around $ x_0 $, and the second term represents $ K_i $ around $ x_0 $.

"Assign category of majority vote of neighbors", where total # of samples = $ \sum_{i=1}^{d}d_i $.

Observation: Training error can be made=0 (by taking V small enough) but V too small=>spikiness =>high test error

Parzen Window Code

K-nearest neighbor density estimate

K-Nearest neighbors is a supervised algorithm which basically counts the k-nearest features to determine the class of a sample. The classifiers do not use any model to fit. Given a query, KNN counts the k nearest neighbor points and decide on the class which takes the majority of votes. It is a simple and efficient algorithm that only calculates the distance of a new sample to the nearest neighbors. Assign category based on majority vote of k nearest neighbor. The distance can be chosen as Euclidean distance.

KNN OldKiwi.jpg

In order to specify the class of green circle, 3-nearest neighbors are counted and because red triangles are more than blue squares, the class of green circle is red triangle.

Assign category based on majority vote of k nearest neighbor

1) Choose region function $ \varphi $

for example, hypersphere

$ \varphi \left( \frac{\vec{x}-\vec{x_0}}{h} \right)= 1, \qquad ||\frac{\vec{x}-\vec{x_0}}{h}|| <1 $.....(1)

$ \quad \quad \qquad =0, \quad else $

Dual to this is the K-nearest neighbors in $ L_2 $ sense (Euclidean distance)


$ \varphi \left( \frac{x-x_0}{h} \right)= 1, \qquad \mid \frac{x-x_0}{h} \mid < \frac{1}{2} $.....(2)

$ \quad \quad \qquad =0, \quad else $.....(3)

Dual to this is K-nearest neighbor in $ L_{\infty} $ sense. Mimi recommended this metric. Why ? ....

If $ \varphi $ normal density, there is no dual to this i.e there can not be a metric defined for a gaussian kernel.

2) Pick K

+ k odd, better for 2 category case => no tie vote

+ k=1, same as nearest neighbor decision rule

3) Given $ x_0 \in $ feature space and samples $ \vec{x_1},\cdots, \vec{x_d} $, approximate $ p(x_0) $ by

$ \bar{p} (x_0)= \frac{K-1}{dV(x_0)} $=> unbiased estimate

where $ V(x_0) $ is volume of smallest region R around $ x_0 $, containing K samples (called prototypes)

ECE662 L16prototypes OldKiwi.jpg

or more generally

$ \overline{p}\left(x_{0}\right)=\frac{k-\#\, of\, samples\, on\, boundary}{dV(x)} $.....(4)

this yields,

$ E[\bar{p}(x_0)]=p(x_0) $.....(5)

if $ p(x_0) $ where $ \frac{K}{dV(x_0)} $ then $ E[\bar{p}(x_0)]=\frac{K}{K-1}p(\vec{x}_0) $

Decision rule is still based majority vote

$ \frac{K-1}{dV(x_0)} < \frac{K-1}{dV(x)} $ => yields an unbiased estimate

$ p(x_0) $ is a random variable

$ \bar{p}(x_0)=\frac{K}{dV(x_0)} $, where $ V(x_0) $ is random variable

=> hard to evaluate density of $ V(x_0) $

Consider u $ u:=\displaystyle \int_{R - B_R} p(x) dx $.....(6)

where $ B_R $ is small band around R

$ \Rightarrow u \approx p(x_0) V(x_0) $.....(7)

$ \Delta u = \displaystyle \int _{B_R} p(x) dx $.....(8)

ECE662 L16neighbor OldKiwi.jpg

Let G= event "K-1 samples fall into $ R- B_R $"

and H= event "1 samples falls into band"

$ p(G,H)=p(G)p(H|G) $.....(9)

$ p(G)=C^{d}_{k-1} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k+1} $.....(10)

$ P(H \mid G)= C^{d-k+1}_{1} \left( \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right) { \left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right) } ^{d-k} $.....(11)

$ C^{d}_{k+1} \left( \frac{d-k+1}{1} \right) \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k+1} \left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right) $.....(12)

keeping the first order term in Taylor approximation

i.e., $ \left( 1- \frac{\Delta u}{1-u} \right) \approx 1 $ for $ \Delta u $ small

$ \Rightarrow P(G,H) \approx \Delta u \frac{d!}{(k-1)! (d-k)!} u^{k-1} {(1-u)}^{d-k} $ for $ \Delta u $ small

$ E[ \bar{p} (x_0)]=E \left[ \frac{k-1}{dV(x_0)} \right] \approx E \left[ \frac{(k-1)}{du} p(x_0) \right] = \displaystyle \int \frac{(k-1)}{du} p(x_0) p_u (u) du = p(x_0) $.....(13)

Useful links

Applet- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zhuxj/courseproject/knndemo/KNN.html

Useful lecture note:http://www.cs.haifa.ac.il/~rita/ml_course/lectures/KNN.pdf

The advantages and disadvantages of nonparametric methods: http://informatik.unibas.ch/lehre/ws05/cs232/_Folien/04_Density_Estimation_3.pdf

The Comparions Parzen Study: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ich/classes/mumt611_07/classifiers/ComparisonParzenStudy.pdf

Click here for a student summary of the KNN and other non-parametric techniques (including pseudo-code).

Previous: Lecture 15 Next: Lecture 17

Back to ECE662 Spring 2008 Prof. Boutin

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