Lecture 2 Blog, ECE438 Fall 2013, Prof. Boutin

Wednesday August 21, 2013 (Week 1) - See Course Outline.

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In the second lecture, I explained how to transition from the continuous-time Fourier transform in terms of $ \omega $, which you have seen in ECE301, to the continuous-time Fourier transform in terms of f. We then saw a few important properties of the FT (namely, duality, multiplication, and convolution) and we computed the Fourier transform of some basic signals (namely, Dirac delta, rect, sinc, and complex exponential.) Some subtleties regarding the rescaling of the Dirac delta were observed.

Someone asked how to get rid of the $ 2\pi $ in front of the convolution in the multiplication property and I promised to answer on course blog. So, as promised, here is the answer:

Action items:

  • Take a look at the following practice problem. Before looking at the answers on the page, try to solve the problem on your own and write down your solution. (You are welcome to write it directly on the page to get feedback.) Then read the other students solutions and try to find the "best one". If you find a mistake, or have a questiont/comment, post it directly on the page. (Please contact your instructor if you wish to use an anonymous login.)

Relevant Rhea pages previously created by students:

Do you see any mistake in these pages? Do you have questions? Feel free to write comments directly on these pages. But if you wish them to modify them completely, please make a copy of the source code on a new page and make your modifications there. In other words: do not completely destroy other people's work.

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