Lecture 7 Blog, ECE438 Fall 2013, Prof. Boutin
Wednesday September 4, 2013 (Week 3) - See Course Outline.
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Today we introduced the z-transform formula and observed its similarity to the DTFT formula. More precisely, we noticed that the DTFT is a restriction of the z-transform to the unit circle. We then computed a couple of z-transforms as examples. It was observed that there may be values of z for which the z-transform does not exist. Even though we did not see the formula for the inverse z-transform, we were able to invert a z-transform simply by comparing the expression for the given z-transform to the formula for the z-transform. As we will see later, this trick will be very handy for inverting z-transforms in general.
Relevant Rhea links
- Table of z-transform pairs and properties
- Tutorial on the geometric series, by Alec McGail, member of Rhea's Math Squad.
Action Items
- Solve the following practice problems and share your answer to get feedback. It will help you get full credit on the second homework and on the test.
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