Lecture 27 Blog, ECE438 Fall 2013, Prof. Boutin
Wednesday October 23, 2013 (Week 10) - See Course Outline.
Jump to Lecture 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,19 ,20 ,21 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,25 ,26 ,27 ,28 ,29 ,30 ,31 ,32 ,33 ,34 ,35 ,36 ,37 ,38 ,39 ,40 ,41 ,42 ,43 ,44
Today we continued talking about speech. More specifically, we focused on how the human lungs+vocal folds+vocal tract produce voiced phonemes, beginning with a periodic pulse train of air flow. We proposed modeling the vocal tract as an LTI filter and approximating this filter by a sequence of tubes.
Relevant Rhea pages
- speech lecture notes written by one of my students last year
- A student page on digital speech generation
- A student page on speech spectrograms
- A student page describing the difference between male and female voices
Action items
- Keep working on HW8. It is due Friday.
Previous: Lecture 26 Next: Lecture 28