Revision as of 14:57, 6 December 2020 by Goeddes (Talk | contribs)

Rhea Section for MA 271 Professor Walther, Fall 2020

Rhea Section for MA271: "Multivariable Calculus"

Professor Walther, Fall 2020


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Please write [[Category:MA271Fall2020Walther]] at the bottom of each of your pages,


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Course Info

  • Instructor: Prof. Walther
    • Office: MATH 746
    • email: walther at math dot purdue dot edu
    • Office hours: Mon 11:30-12:30, Th 2:00-3:00 in my office or MATH817.
  • Class time and location: MTWTh 8:30-9:20 and 9:30-10:20, REC 122
  • Book: Thomas' Calculus, early transcendentals. Edition 14. You need chapters 10-16 only.

Important Links

Course Related Material


  • post link to discussion page here
  • post link to discussion page here
  • Where Uli comes from:

Other Links

Your turn! Student Projects

As per the syllabus, 10% of your grade will be based on contributing a Rhea page on a subject of your choice. To pick a subject suggested below, simply write your name next to it. (See above how to edit this page).


  • No more than four people per subject.
  • Do not remove other's people's names from projects. Rhea keeps score of edits; this is not anonymous.

Your project page will be graded based on content and presentation. Describe the subject as you see it, and report what you find interesting. Feel free to add examples, computations, etc. Links to other sources and related subjects will improve the score. Do not simply copy a book or webpage and do not plagiarize. Use your own words to say what you want to say, don't paste other people's work without acknowledging explicitly. Read Rhea's copyright policy before proceeding.

Required components: see the syllabus.

For some lovely contributions, see Honors Project 2011 by Daniel Lee.

Deadline: Sunday before finals week, December 6th. No changes after that will be taken into account.

Topic Number Topic Description Team Name
1 The Galois group Group 1: Kaden Merrill
2 Markov chains Group 2: Yi Li, Nicholas Fang
3 The fundamental group Group 3: Aneesh Chakravarthula
4 Cluster algebras Group 4: Tim Sayers
5 Hyperplane arrangements Group 5: Stuart Goedde
6 Milnor fibers Group 6:
7 Riemann surfaces Group 7: Rebecca Jennings and Brad Abelman
8 Modular forms Group 8: Nick Castaneda
9 The Laplace operator Group 9: Tim Fuller and Lukas Denney
10 Littewood--Richardson rules Group 10:
11 Calabi--Yau manifolds Group 11:
12 Elliptc curves Group 12: Henry Eifert
13 Fisher information Group 13: Kyle Nematz, Ayush Krishnamony
14 Feynman integrals Group 14: Shubham Shrivastava, Tao Sun
15 Goedel incompleteness Group 15: Sean Woerner, Hari Malladi
16 Curse of dimensionality Group 16: Edgar Mejia
17 Fractals Group 17: Harry Lee, Camber Boles
18 Haar measure Group 18: John LePage
19 Cauchy's residue theorem Group 19: Oscar Su
20 Fourier transforms Group 20:Luke Oxley
21 Nyquist's theorem Group 21: J. Michael Worthington
22 Hyperbolic spaces Group 22: Zoe Egbert
23 Single value decompositions Group 23: Katherine Wilson
24 Hilbert's Nullstellensatz Group 24: Ryan Walter
25 Maximum principle in analysis Group 25: Alex Beers
26 Banach spaces Group 26:
27 Penrose tilings Group 27: Gayathri Thirunavukkarasu, Cynthia Wan, Sveni Thalor
28 Quaternions Group 28: Krish Gupta
29 Schrödinger equation Group 29: Varun Chheda

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang