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Quiz Questions Pool for Week 10

Q1. Consider the following difference equation

$ y[n]=ay[n-1]+x[n]-x[n-1]\,\! $

a. Compute the transfer function $ H(z) $, and find its poles and zeros.
b. Compute the impulse response $ h[n] $ using a ROC of $ |z|>a $. For what values of $ a $ is the system stable?
c. Compute the impulse response $ h[n] $ using a ROC of $ |z|<a $. For what values of $ a $ is the system stable?

Q2. When we have a LTI system, the impulse response $ h[n] $ must be real

in order for $ y[n] $ to be real whenever $ x[n] $ is real.

The condition for $ h[n] $ to be real is

$ h[n]=h^{\ast}[n] $

Then, what is the condition of the frequency response $ H(w) $ for $ h[n] $ to be real?

(Hint: Apply DTFT to the above equation)




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