[hide]Rhea Section for ECE 301 Division 1, Fall 2008
Course Details
Professor: Mimi Boutin
Lecture: MWF 4:30PM in EE129
Course Website: course webpage
TA: Benjamin Brame
TA office hours in MSEE383 (no longer EE116)
- M,W 3:30-4:30
- Tu,Th 10:30-11:30
- F 2:30-3:30
Course Announcements
Histograms for Test 1, Test 2, and Test 3:
Best of Rhea
Please post a link to the pages that you believe belong to the "best of" this course wiki. This will be used to generate a "Best of Rhea" page for all of Rhea.
Course Related Material
- Final Exam Summary (Please Contribute Definitions, Explanations, Examples, Tips, Tricks, etc)
- Solved Homework Problems from the Book
- Post your solved practice exam no. 1 (pdf files) here.
- One graded Fall 2006 practice Exam 2 waiting for more input and comments.
- Another solution (scanned)
- Some Exercises to get ready for the second exam
- Exam 3 Information
Key Points
Key points summarizing the entire class
- Table of Formulas and Properties
- Mathematical explanation of Linearity and Time-invariance
- Mimi's key points
- What are all these symbols? (Quick reference to commonly-used symbols in class.)
- A mystery about complex number: why is $ e^{j 2\pi t} $ not equal to one? More precisely, why can't one say that $ e^{j 2\pi t}=(e^{j 2 \pi})^t= 1^t =1 $? Please discuss here
Homework Related Stuff
Turn in your homework on these pages.
- Homework 1 related stuff
- Homework 2 related stuff
- Homework 3 related stuff
- Homework 4 related stuff
- Homework 5 related stuff
- Homework 6 related stuff
- Homework 7 related stuff
- Homework 8 related stuff
- Homework 9 related stuff
- Homework 10 related stuff
- Homework 11 related stuff
Lecture Notes and Class Feedback
- Lecture 1: Intro; Example of DT signal (text) and system (enigma machine).
- Lecture 2: Example of CT signal (sound); Creating sounds in Matlab; Example of linear system.
- Lecture 3: Transformation of Independent Variables
- Lecture 4:
- Lecture 5: Cascading Systems
- Lecture 6: Causality, Stability, Time Invariance
- Lecture 7:
- Lecture 8:
- Lecture 9:
- Lecture 10:
- Lecture 11:
- Lecture 17: FTs and the f response, differential equations
- Lecture 18
- Lecture 19: TA Example Session w/ DT Fourier Transforms and inverses
Help Sessions
Content covered in the Tuesday help sessions will be posted here.
- Session 1: 9/2/2008: Phasors, Energy, Power, and Geometric Series Updated
- Session 2: 9/9/2008:
- Session 2: 9/16/2008:
Out of class "Exercises"
Area to post questions asked of the students to figure out between lectures and the answers to the questions.
- Exercise 1: 9/8/2008: Time Invariance
Non-Course Related Material
Rhea How–Tos
- How to add elements to a page
- Rhea works very much like Kiwi. So if you want to learn how to edit this Rhea wiki, you can watch the Kiwi instructional video.
- Comprehensive list of LaTeX commands (LaTeX is how you write the math-y stuff between "< math >" and "< /math >".)