[hide]ECE662: Statistical Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Processes, Spring 2014 (cross-listed with CS662)
Welcome to ECE662!
- The cleaned up version of the slectures is here.
Course Information
- Office: MSEE342
- Office hours
- Assignment Drop Box
- When? TuTh, 10:30 - 11:45
- Where? EE117 (subject to change)
The cleaned up version of these slectures is HERE
Please use this template for text slectures or this template for video slectures
- Slectures on Probability and Statistics
- Whitening and Coloring Transforms, by Maliha Hossain OK
- How to generate random n dimensional data from two categories with different priors
- Video slecture in English by Alex Gheith OK
- Video slecture in Korean , by Minwoong Kim OK
- Video slecture in Korean , by Hyun Dok Cho OK
- Text slecture in English by Joonsoo Kim OK
- Text slecture in English by Jonghoon Jin OK
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Text slecture in English, by Tian Zhou OK
- Text slecture in English, by Sujin Jang OK
- Video slecture in English, and Chinese, by Tsung Tai Yeh OK
- Video slecture in English, by Khalid Tahboub <span style="color:GREEN" />
- Slectures on Curse of Dimensionality
- Text slecture in English, and in Chinese by Haonan Yu USE SAME COMMENT PAGE FOR BOTH ENGLISH AND CHINESE VERSION
- Slectures on Bayes Rule
- Bayes Rule in Layman's Terms
- Video slecture in Spanish by Francis Phillip OK
- Derivation of Bayes Rule
- Text slecture in English By Anonymous7 OK
- Text slecture in English by Varun Vasudevan OK
- Video slecture in English by Nadra Guizani OK
- Video slecture in English by Jieun Kim OK
- Text slecture in Greek by Stylianos Chatzidakis OK
- Text slecture in Chinese by Weibao Wang OK
- Optimality of Bayes Rule
- Video slecture in English by Aaron Michaux OK
- Video slecture in Korean by Jeong-wan Kim OK
- Upper Bounds for Bayes Error
- Text slecture in English by G. M. Dilshan Godaliyadda
- Text slecture in English (includes the derivation of Chernoff Distance) by Jeehyun Choe OK
- Bayes Rule to Minimize Risk
- Video slectures in English, by Andy Park OK
- Text slecture in Chinese by Robert Ness OK
- Text slecture in English by Dennis Lee OK
- Bayes Rule for Normally Distributed Features
- Text slecture in English by Yanzhe Cui
- Text slecture in English by Jihwan Lee OK
- Bayes rule in practice
- Text slecture in English by Lu Wang OK
- Text slecture in English by Chuohao Tang OK
- Bayes Rule in Layman's Terms
- Slectures on Neyman-Pearson test and ROC curves
- Text slecture in English by Soonam Lee OK
- Video slecture in English by Jianxin Sun OK
- Slectures on Density Estimation
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
- Text slecture in English by Sudhir Kylasa OK
- Text slecture in English by Hariharan Seshadri OK
- Video slecture in English by Anantha Raghuraman OK
- Video slecture in English by Spencer Carver OK
- Text slecture in English by Lu Zhang OK
- Video slecture in English by Keehwan Park OK
- Text slecture in English by Wen Yi
- Text slecture in English by Zhenpeng Zhao
- Bayesian Estimation (BPE)
- Text slecture in English by Haiguang Wen OK
- Text slecture in English, by Shaobo Fang
- Text slecture in English by Yu Wang
- Introduction to Local density Estimation Techniques (so-called "non-parametric")
- Text slecture in English by Yu Liu OK
- Video slecture in Russian by Aziza Satkhozhina
- Video slecture in English by Nusaybah Abu-Mulaweh
- Video slecture in English by Chenxi Yuan OK
- Density Estimation with Parzen Windows
- Text slecture in English by Chiho Choi OK
- Text slecture in English by Ben Foster OK
- Text slecture in English by Abdullah Alshaibani OK
- Density Estimation with K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
- Text slecture in English by Raj Praveen Selvaraj OK
- Text slecture in English by Dan Barrett QUESTION PAGE
- Video slecture in English by Qi Wang OK
- The Nearest Neighbor Decision Rule
- Text slecture in English by Sang Ho Yoon
- Text slecture in English by Jonathan Manring OK
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
- Slectures on Linear Classifiers
- Text slecture in English by John Mulcahy-Stanislawczyk
- Text slecture in English by Borui Chen
- Slectures on Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Text slecture in English by Xing Liu
- Video slecture in English by Tao Jiang
- Slectures on Clustering Algorithms (supplemental material)
- text slecture in English by David Runyan
Peer Reviews
- Instruction for peer reviewing HW1
- Instruction for peer reviewing HW2 (due before class on April 29)
Feel free to use the space below for discussion, or create a page for discussion and link it below.
- Where to find data for HW1
- Possible Real-world data to use for class
- Programming help!
- New Discussion