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Singular Value Decomposition

Katherine Wilson

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Basics
  3. Deeper Understanding
  4. Example
  5. Applications
  6. References


Singular Value Decomposition has many names, such as factor analysis, empirical orthogonal function analysis, and principal component decomposition. In this discussion, I will refer to it as SVD. To put it simply, Singular Value Decomposition is decomposing a matrix into three parts so that it is easier to understand and transform. The three parts that it decomposes to can give more information about the original matrix and the relationships that its rows and columns have to one another. This has many applications in data science when displaying a set of information in a matrix. SVD is mainly used in linear algebra, but it can be understood in its most basic form as early as Calculus or even in Physics classes when breaking down vectors into components and projections. SVD was discovered by many different mathematicians in the late 1800s, namely Eugenio Beltrami and Camille Jordan. It was first used to analyze the different aspects of a person that impact their intelligence, where intelligence would be the matrix to decompose and investigate the different parts to find what is most important. Now, SVD has countless real-world applications with analyzing data in statistics, sociology, atmospheric science, and machines.

The Basics:

Before we get into what SVD really means, it is important to understand some basic concepts. Firstly, SVD deals with matrices, which are a collection of values put into rows and columns. Matrices can be described by the number of rows (n) and columns (m) that they have in the form n x m, which is important to understand when performing operations on them. Matrices can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided just like functions, but the processes are a little different. For example, to multiply a matrix by another, you must take the dot product of the two. This is when you multiply each value in the row of the first matrix by each value in the column of the second matrix. For example: Multmat.png Additionally, to divide matrices, you are actually multiplying by the inverse. However, this is not as important when it comes to SVD. The main equation for SVD is A=USV^T, where: “A is an m × n matrix, U is an m × n orthogonal matrix, S is an n × n diagonal matrix, and V is an n × n orthogonal matrix,” (1). An orthogonal matrix is when the columns and rows are perpendicular unit vectors, and a diagonal matrix contains all values that are zero except in the diagonal line down from the top left to the bottom right. In SVD, the term "singular value" represents the values in the S matrix, and the highest value is always in the top left. Visually, this is what the decomposition of matrix A looks like: [7]

Singular Value Decomposition

Additionally, in the equation, the ^T stands for the “transpose” of the matrix which basically flips the original matrix. For example: Transpose.png Source

We know that UTU and VTV both give the identity matrix because U and V are orthogonal. The identity matrix is a matrix where the diagonal from the top left to the bottom right have entries of 1, and all other entries are 0. The zero values come from the fact that when you are multiplying matrices, you are taking the dot product of the two which shows how perpendicular they are. Taking the dot product of two columns of U or V will be zero because they are orthogonal vectors. The 1 values are when an entry is dotted against itself in the transposed matrix, and since the entries are parallel, the output is one. We can use the example above to see this worked out.

Deeper Understanding:

To dive deeper into what SVD does mathematically, one must understand eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Essentially, an eigenvalue is a scalar quantity that is used to linearly transform a vector or matrix. This is seen often in linear algebra and can be very important for engineering and physics to understand how objects behave. For further understanding of what eigenvalues truly are, see these references:

So, if we want to truly calculate the SVD, we need to used eigenvectors to find V and U from our given A. We know that the columns of V come from the eigenvectors ATA and the columns of U come from the eigenvectors of AAT. S indicates the sum of these matrices, where the values come from square-rooting the eigenvalues of V and U and go down in order from highest to lowest along the diagonal matrix for S. The website Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) tutorial has a clear example on using eigenvectors and eigenvalues to find U, V, and S for a real matrix A.

Example: To gain a better understanding of how we can use SVD, let’s look at an example from the video about Singular Value Decomposition from Stanford University. In the example, there is a data set of 7 people and 5 different movies that they watched. Each person rated each movie, and the matrix arranges this data to show who liked which movie. From the movie options, we can see that there were two main genres of movies watched- Romance and Sci-Fi. By taking the SVD to analyze this data, we find this output:

The first matrix U represents how each person responded to the different genres, where the first column represents the Sci-Fi genre and the second relates to the Romance concept. We can see that the first four people responded more strongly to the Sci-Fi genre as there is a higher correlation in that matrix, while the last three more towards Romance. The second diagonal matrix S shows the strength of each genre, or how many people liked it. So, Sci-Fi was the most popular genre because it has a strength of 12.4. The last value (1.3) shows that the third column does not have a large strength on the data, so it does not represent a significant genre and we can ignore it. The last matrix V relates to how strongly each movie corresponds to the two concepts. From this, we can see that “Casablanca” and “Amelie” are more strongly related to romance, while the other three movies are closer to the Sci-Fi category. So, by using SVD we can learn more about each individual person and their preferences for the movies as well as how the movies relate to each genre presented.


SVD is often used in data science and computer science to reduce the number of variables being dealt with in very large data sets. As states in the article "Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Tutorial: Applications, Examples, Exercises", "an SVD with a reduced number of singular values can closely approximate a matrix. This can be used for data compression by storing the truncated forms of U, S, and V in place of A and for variable reduction by replacing A with U" [1]. Additionally, SVD can be used for digital imaging, in which the pixels of an image online are stored in a matrix. A number is assigned for each color on a color scale, and the matrix of values displays the color for each pixel in the image. SVD can be used to reconstruct these images to simplify them and save memory when trying to send images across platforms. For more information on this, see Understanding Singular Value Decomposition and its Application in Data Science.

One of the more interesting applications of SVD is with political science. In the paper "The Extraordinary SVD" authors Carla D. Martin and Mason A. Porter detail an analysis of how members of Congress voted on certain bills to determine their political leniency. The study set up a matrix where the rows represented each member of Congress and the columns corresponded to each bill that was voted on in the period of time studied. A vote in favor of the bill corresponded with +1, a vote against the bill is a -1, and a 0 corresponds to a null vote. Much like the example discussed above, SVD broke down this matrix into different components to tell how often each member of Congress voted with their party and how often they voted against. This can help predict how certain congresspeople will vote and show who is more moderate, who is more likely to vote against their party, and who is the most consistent in their votes.



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