Revision as of 15:34, 4 September 2008 by Shamilto (Talk)

The initial playing sounds like the singer says "They opened up the skies" when played forwards but seems to say "take this life of mine" when reversed. I left the song at regular speed but the song can be sped up or slowed down by multiplying the sample_rate variable by any number less than one.

%Scott Hamilton
%HW 1.2
%ECE 301


%read data from .wav file
[data, sample_rate, bits_per_sample] = ...
    wavread('e:\School\ECE 301\HW1\jpforward.wav');

%play the original version
wavplay(data, sample_rate);

% sounds like "they opened up the sky"

%flip data set to be played in reverse
data = flipud(data);

%play clip in reverse
wavplay(data, sample_rate);

%sounds like "hey hey this land is mine"

%write new .wav file
wavwrite(data, 1 / sample_rate, 32, 'e:\School\ECE 301\HW1\jpbackward.wav');

Resulting .wav file jpbackward

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