The initial playing sounds like the singer says "They opened up the skies" when played forwards but seems to say "take this life of mine" when reversed. I left the song at regular speed but the song can be sped up or slowed down by multiplying the sample_rate variable by any number less than one to slow it and greater than one to speed it up.

%Scott Hamilton
%HW 1.2
%ECE 301


%read data from .wav file
[data, sample_rate, bits_per_sample] = ...
    wavread('e:\School\ECE 301\HW1\jpforward.wav');

%play the original version
wavplay(data, sample_rate);

% sounds like "they opened up the sky"

%flip data set to be played in reverse
data = flipud(data);

%play clip in reverse
wavplay(data, sample_rate);

%sounds like "hey hey this land is mine"

%write new .wav file
wavwrite(data, 1 / sample_rate, 32, 'e:\School\ECE 301\HW1\jpbackward.wav');

Resulting .wav file jpbackward

Alumni Liaison

BSEE 2004, current Ph.D. student researching signal and image processing.

Landis Huffman