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Nearest Neighbor Method (Still working on it. Please do not put any comments yet. Thank you)

A slecture by Sang Ho Yoon

Partly based on the ECE662 Spring 2014 lecture material of Prof. Mireille Boutin.


In this slecture, basic principles of implementing nearest neighbor rule will be covered. The error related to the nearest neighbor rule will be discussed in detail including convergence, error rate, and error bound. Since the nearest neighbor rule relies on metric function between patterns, the properties of metrics will be studied in detail. Example of different metrics will be introduced with its characteristics. The representative of real application such as body posture recognition using Procrustes metric could be a good example to understand the nearest neighbor rule.----

Nearest Neighbor Basic Principle

Let's consider a testing sample x. Based on labeled training sample $ D^n = x_{1},... ,x_{n}, $ the nearest neighbor technique will find the closest point x' to x. Then we assign the class of x' to x. This is how the classification based on the nearest neighbor rule is processed. Although this rule is very simple, it is also reasonable. The label $ \theta' $ used in the nearest neighbor is random variable which means $\theta' = w_{i}$ is same as a posteriori probability $P(w_{i}\arrowvert x').$ If sample sizes are big enough, it could be assumed that x' is sufficiently close to x that $ P(w_{i}\arrowvert x') = P(w_{i}\arrowvert x). $ Using the nearest neighbor rule, we could get high accuracy classification if sample sizes are guaranteed. In other words, the nearest neighbor rule is matching perfectly with probabilities in nature. Voronoi.jpg

Error Rate & Bound using NN

Let's consider a testing sample x. Based on labeled training sample D$ ^n $ $ = x_{1},... ,x_{n}, $ the nearest neighbor technique will find the closest point x' to x. Then we assign the class of x' to x. This is how the classification based on the nearest neighbor rule is processed. Although this rule is very simple, it is also reasonable. The label $ \theta' $ used in the nearest neighbor is random variable which means $\theta' = w_{i}$ is same as a posterior probability $ P(w_{i}|x'). $ If sample sizes are big enough, it could be assumed that x' is sufficiently close to x that $ P(w_{i}|x') = P(w_{i}|x). $

Metrics Type

However, the closest distance between x' and x is determined by which metrics are used for feature space. A "metric" on a space S is a function $ D: S\times S\rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ which has following 4 properties:

  • Non-negativity : $ D(\vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}}) \geq 0, \forall \vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}} \in S $
  • Symmetry : $ D(\vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}}) = D(\vec{x_{2}},\vec{x_{1}}), \forall \vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}} \in S $
  • Reflexivity : $ D(\vec{x},\vec{x}) = 0, \forall \vec{x} \in S $
  • Triangle Inequality : $ D(\vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}}) + D(\vec{x_{2}},\vec{x_{3}}) \geq D(\vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{3}}), \forall \vec{x_{1}},\vec{x_{2}},\vec{x_{3}} \in S $

Real Application


Questions and comments

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