Revision as of 08:16, 8 February 2014 by Naccorne (Talk | contribs)

Rhea Section for MA375: "Discrete Mathematics"

Professor Walther, Spring 2014


Please write [[Category:MA375Spring2014Walther]] at the bottom of each of your pages,


Course Info

  • Instructor: Prof. Walther
    • Office: MATH 746
    • email: walther at math dot purdue
    • Office hours: WRITE OFFICE HOURS HERE

Important Links

Course Web Page 


Other Links

Your turn! Student Projects

As per the syllabus, 5% of your grade will be based on contributing a Rhea page on a subject related to the course. To pick a subject, simply write your name next to "names". No more than 5 students per topic! Note: don't try to erase other people from a topic. I will know about it.

If you have an idea for another topic that you like, just add a new row and fill it.

Your page will be graded based on content as well as interactions with other people (page views, comments/questions on the page, etc.). The number of links to other courses and subjects will also be taken into account: the more the merrier! Please do not simply copy the lecture notes. What I am looking for is a story in you OWN words, not smart comments by an expert. I want to see you digested the topic, not that you can quote other people on it.

Do not plagiarize. Read Rhea's copyright policy before proceeding.

For some lovely contributions, see Honors Project 2011 by Daniel Lee

Deadline: Sunday before dead week (May 4, 2014)

Topic Number Topic Description Team Members
1 Prime numbers in arithmetic progressions Names: Jill Rubacha
2 Cardinals versus ordinals: size and counting Names:
3 P=NP and complexity of algorithms Names: Cameron Young, Qingshi Zhou, Jason Kohl
4 Unique factorization: how special are the integers? Names: Brooke Wilke, Jerad Stump, Rachel Aker, Brandon Myers, Kayla Kerker
5 Markov chains: what and how? Names: Tianyi Zhang, Sui Fang, Christopher Peralta, Lei Zhong, Nathan Accornero
6 Cantor's "continuum hypothesis", what is it about? Names: Chao Zhao
7 Flows and cuts in graphs: Menger's theorem Names: Nick Montan
8 How do Hamming codes correct errors? Names: Michael Hockerman, Bing Lin, Jiaqi Zhou
9 Coloring regular polygons: the theorems of Burnside and Polya Names:
10 Simplicial complexes: higher dimensional versions of graphs Names:
11 Generalizing Kuratowski's theorem: drawing graphs on a doughnut Names:
12 What exactly is "1"? Defining integers from scratch. Names: Devi Kovi
13 How many lines meet 3 given lines in 3-space? Names:

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