Page Formatting
Please keep your changes logged under your name in chronological order (most recent change appended to the bottom of your list). If your name is not included yet, please include it, retaining the alphabetization of the users by name. Entries are sorted by first names alphabetically.
Also take a look at the "changes" and locate your changes when you put them up
To aid the grader, please try to be as exact as possible' in your description. Number your figures and equations and specify those in your ChangeLog entry. Also give a hyperlink to the page(s) you edited.
- 2007/10/02 -- Created a new page on Kernels_Old Kiwi.
- 2007/10/03 -- Edited Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_Old Kiwi by adding the section on Bayes rule.
The ChangeLog
- 2008/03/09 -- Moved the lecture 3 from old Kiwi.
- 2008/03/10 -- Edited Lecture 17 to fix all the Latex formulae and other formatting so that it works with the new Kiwi.
- 2008/03/10 -- Linked the software sites with KNN classifier,classification using SVM,demonstration Parzen window matlab codes and several matlab codes related to learning,clustering and pattern classification in Homework_2_Old Kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Copied the KNN and Hilbert Space in the old Glossory to the new system.
- 2008/03/09 -- Describe how to download and run Matlab Neural Networks Toolbox for classification [hw2]
- 2008/03/09 -- Add a link to download SVM libraries in C and describe how to run them in Matalb [hw2]
- 2008/03/10 -- Copied the ECE662:ChangeLog_Old Kiwi to the new system.
- 2008/03/10 -- Copied over all top-level pages under Course Topics from old Kiwi.
- 2008/03/11 -- Copied the Tools_Old Kiwi session to the new system
- 2008/03/11 -- Added new useful book reference "Introduction to Data Mining" by P-N Tan, M. Steinbach and V. Kumar_Old Kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Copied the Reference section to the new system (Journals, 2008 conferences and other universities websites)
- 2008/03/16 -- Copied some of the publications in the reference section
- 2008/03/10 -- Copied most of Lecture 5 to the new system.
- 200/03/16 -- Transferred Probabilistic neural networks_Old Kiwi from old kiwi
- 200/03/16 -- Transferred Steepest descent algorithm_Old Kiwi from old kiwi
- 200/03/16 -- Transferred Feed Forward Back Propagation Algorithm_Old Kiwi from old kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Updated Lecture 18 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics(Continued)_Old Kiwi notes: Changed formatting, and fixed errors in notes. Added Figures 1 and 2.
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred Lecture 7 - MLE and BPE_Old Kiwi from Old Kiwi and fixed formulae/formatting.
- 2008/03/16 -- Created Figure 1 in Lecture 17: example of phi with triangle that shows the use of invariance coordinates to repeat (p1,...,pN)
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred my Lecture 15 figures from old KIWI to new KIWI: specifically figure 1 and 2
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred K-means_Old Kiwi from old KIWI.
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred LBG_Old Kiwi clustering from old KIWI.
- 2008/03/16 -- Added Cross Links from clustering page to the above two topics.
- 2008/03/16 -- Moved Comparison of MLE and Bayesian Parameter Estimation_Old Kiwi.
- 2008/03/16 -- Moved Lecture 6 to the new system.
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred Applications of Pattern Recognition_Old Kiwi topic from old kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred Face detection vs Face recognition_Old Kiwi topic from old kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Transferred Implementation Issues_Old Kiwi topic from old kiwi
- 2008/03/16 -- Created Figure 1b in Lecture 18 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics(Continued)_Old Kiwi a more accurate illustration of tessalation for nearest neighbor rule in R2
- 2008/03/16 --Transferred my Lecture 16 figure from old KIWI to new KIWI: Useful Parzen Window $ \in \mathbb{R}^n $.