Open-Source Mathematical Software

  • A.I Solver Studio 1.0 [1] - This is a very simple to use pattern recognition tool. The tool uses artificial intelligence techniques like neural networks and genetic algorithms to find an optimal solution to classification problems. This description was extracted from the download site of the tool.
  • Multiple links to pattern recognition tools [2] - This site contains a list of commercial and freeware pattern recognition tools. Some of the applications that you can find deal with character recognition, face recognition, speech recognition, computer vision, and coin recognition.
  • Classifiers Source Code[3]

Clustering Tools

  • Efficient Algorithms for K-Means [4]

Decision Tree Tools

  • Commercial and Free Software for Classification using Decision Trees: [5]


  • LIBSVM - A Library for Support Vector Machines
  • FANN - A Library for Artificial Neural Networks - It's a open source C library with bindings from most of the popular programming languages, such as C/C++, perl, python, matlab, etc...
  • [6] - The Netlab library includes software implementations of a wide range of data analysis techniques, many of which are not yet available in standard neural network simulation packages

Mathematical Open-Source Packages

  • Scilab_Old Kiwi - A opensource matlab-like software environment developed at INRIA

Packages available from

  • LibSVM (C++)
  • SVMLight (C)
  • Torch (C++)
  • Spider (Matlab)
  • Weka (Java)

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. on Applied Mathematics in Aug 2007. Involved on applications of image super-resolution to electron microscopy

Francisco Blanco-Silva