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Lecture 7 Blog, ECE438 Fall 2014, Prof. Boutin

Wednesday September 10, 2013 (Week 3) - See Course Outline.

Jump to Lecture 1, 2, 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 ,18 ,19 ,20 ,21 ,22 ,23 ,24 ,25 ,26 ,27 ,28 ,29 ,30 ,31 ,32 ,33 ,34 ,35 ,36 ,37 ,38 ,39 ,40 ,41 ,42 ,43 ,44

Today we continued talking about sampling. We obtained a very fundamental result relating the CTFT of a signal to the CTFT of its (analog) sampling. We took the general point of view that the sampling is obtained by multiplying x(t) by some repeated function g(t).

Note that you must know this relationship in order to pass the course.

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Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett