Tutorials and other Learning Material
Top Rated
- Many ways to mis-state the Sampling theorem
- Animated aliasing example
- The Sampling Theorem
- Properties of Systems
- Questions about Fourier transform of periodic signals, answered by Prof. Mimi
- Two things you should know about periodic and non-periodic signals
- A student guide to partial fraction expansion
- DT Fourier series with a single command in MATLAB
- Types of filters
- Sifting property
- Nyquist example
- Meaning of Fourier transform
- Geometric series notes
- How to get the frequency response of a system defined by a difference equation
- Cascading transformations of the independent variable, a video tutorial
- Fourier in MATLAB
- Issue with LTI system defined by difference equation
- Simplified view of cascaded systems
- Sampling Theorem
- Even and Odd Fourier series Coefficients
- Multidimension Fourier transform
- Difference between Fourier and Laplace transform
- Convergence of Fourier transform
- Student table of Fourier transform
- Duality
- Fourier coefficients and transfer function
- Sampling theorem
- General formula for convolving two step functions multiplied by exponential
- Convolution simplification
- Properties of convolution
- Simplified view of cascades systems
- Properties of systems
- Definitions periodic signals
- Making your answer fit the solution for problem 22.a b)
- A note on the geometric series
- 301 students playing music with Matlab
- Animated example of periodic function
- What are all these symbols? (from Fall 2008)
- A mystery about complex number: why is ej2πt not equal to one? More precisely, why can't one say that ej2πt = (ej2π)t = 1t = 1? Please discuss here.
- Some practice exam problems
- AM and FM Radio, from Fall 2007
- Proof of the commutativity property of DT systems
- Distributed Property for Discrete Time
- Distributed Property for Continuous time
- Associative Property for Discrete Time
- Associative Property for Continous Time
- Commutative, Distributive and Associative
- All three properties
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