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<font size="4">Generation of N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors </font>  
[[Category:pattern recognition]] 
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Generation of N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors
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A [ slecture] by [[ECE]] student  
A [ slecture] by [[ECE]] student  
Partly based on the [[2014_Spring_ECE_662_Boutin|ECE662 Spring 2014 lecture]] material of [[user:mboutin|Prof. Mireille Boutin]].  
Partly based on the [[2014 Spring ECE 662 Boutin|ECE662 Spring 2014 lecture]] material of [[User:Mboutin|Prof. Mireille Boutin]].  
<font size="5">Introduction</font>
In the most of pattern recognition, decision and classification problems, the concept of training becomes popular with the advance of Machine Learning and computing power that can afford to expensive computatioal costs. Such a trainable system is a record-holder for many open problems and its powerful capability is successfully built based on the massive volume of information in a dataset. Due to the importance of data, people not only try to obtain a big quantity of data, but also concentrate a good quality of data. Often, a real-world data contains either high variance or high bias hence it is difficult to estimate true density and using such data does not necessarily result in good performance. In the circumstance, a naive assumption about the class distribution helps us synthesize data so that we can train models with a consistent dataset. Among many distributions, Normal distribution is frequently used in many literatures. This tutorial will explain how to generate binary data classes from normal distributions with prior probabilities in a perspective on numerical experiments.
\section{Title: Generation of N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors}
It consists of the following sections:
In the most of pattern recognition, decision and classification problems, the concept of training becomes popular with the advance of Machine Learning and computing power that can afford to expensive computatioal costs.
  \item Prior selection&nbsp;: How to set priors?
Such a trainable system is a record-holder for many open problems and its powerful capability is successfully built based on the massive volume of information in a dataset.
  \item Normal distribution&nbsp;: How it work? Which is more efficient?
Due to the importance of data, people not only try to obtain a big quantity of data, but also concentrate a good quality of data.
Often, a real-world data contains either high variance or high bias hence it is difficult to estimate true density and using such data does not necessarily result in good performance.
In the circumstance, a naive assumption about the class distribution helps us synthesize data so that we can train models with a consistent dataset.
Among many distributions, Normal distribution is frequently used in many literatures.
This tutorial will explain how to generate binary data classes from normal distributions with prior probabilities in a perspective on numerical experiments.
It consists of the following sections:
\item Central limit theorem
  \item Prior selection : How to set priors?
  \item Normal distribution : How it work? Which is more efficient?
\item Central limit theorem
         \item Inverse transform sampling method
         \item Inverse transform sampling method
        \item Box-Muller transform
        \item Box-Muller transform
        \item Ziggurat Algorithm
        \item Ziggurat Algorithm
  \item Conclusion
  \item Conclusion
\section{Prior Selection}
<font size="5">Prior Selection</font>
Prior probability gives an idea on which class is more likely to be observed among all possible classes.
Prior probability gives an idea on which class is more likely to be observed among all possible classes. For binary data classes with normal distributions, it is important to draw samples based on priors before investigating how to generate distributions. This is because in practice the number of samples contains implicit information about prior probability and also empirical prior is different from the true prior used to determine class selection where the empirical prior is calculated by only looking at the ratio of class 1 and class 2 for binary classification example.  
For binary data classes with normal distributions, it is important to draw samples based on priors before investigating how to generate distributions.
This is because in practice the number of samples contains implicit information about prior probability and also empirical prior is different from the true prior used to determine class selection where the empirical prior is calculated by only looking at the ratio of class 1 and class 2 for binary classification example.
To be specific, prior probability affects the generation of samples for binary classification in a way described in the following.
To be specific, prior probability affects the generation of samples for binary classification in a way described in the following. First, sampling data from uniform distribution $(0, 1)$ and let the class priors be $Prob(\omega_1)$ and $Prob(\omega_2)$ respectively where the condition $Prob(\omega_1) + Prob(\omega_2) = 1$ holds. If a random sample is drawn in the range $[0, Prob(\omega_1)]$, label the sample as class 1, then, continue to generating a normal random number based on the class 1 statistics $(\mu, \sigma)$. Otherwise, the sample belongs to $[Prob(\omega_2), 1]$ and should be labeled as class 2, then, move onto the normal random number generation step with the class 2 statistics like the same way as we did for class 1. In summary,  
First, sampling data from uniform distribution $(0, 1)$ and let the class priors be $Prob(\omega_1)$ and $Prob(\omega_2)$ respectively where the condition $Prob(\omega_1) + Prob(\omega_2) = 1$ holds.
If a random sample is drawn in the range $[0, Prob(\omega_1)]$, label the sample as class 1, then, continue to generating a normal random number based on the class 1 statistics $(\mu, \sigma)$.
Otherwise, the sample belongs to $[Prob(\omega_2), 1]$ and should be labeled as class 2, then, move onto the normal random number generation step with the class 2 statistics like the same way as we did for class 1.
In summary,
\[ X_i = \left\{  
\[ X_i = \left\{  
   \begin{array}{l l}
   \begin{array}{l l}
      X_i^{1} \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma_1) & \quad X_i \in [0, Prob(\omega_1)] \\
    X_i^{1} \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma_1) &amp; \quad X_i \in [0, Prob(\omega_1)] \\
      X_i^{2} \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma_2) & \quad \text{otherwise}
    X_i^{2} \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma_2) &amp; \quad \text{otherwise}
  \end{array} \right.\]
  \end{array} \right.\]
where the superscript of $X_i$ indicates the label of the class.
where the superscript of $X_i$ indicates the label of the class.
\section{Normal Distribution Generation}
<font size="5">Normal Distribution Generation</font>
Once you decide the class of the sample, now it is time to generate actual random number that follows the class statistics determined in the prior selection step.
Once you decide the class of the sample, now it is time to generate actual random number that follows the class statistics determined in the prior selection step. The normal distribution is frequetly used in many statistical models and being able to draw samples from the normal distribution lies at the heart of many probabilistic learning algorithms. The probability distribution function for the normal distribution is defined as  
The normal distribution is frequetly used in many statistical models and being able to draw samples from the normal distribution lies at the heart of many probabilistic learning algorithms.
The probability distribution function for the normal distribution is defined as
    y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp\left\{-\frac{\left(x-\mu\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right\}
    y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp\left\{-\frac{\left(x-\mu\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right\}
where $\mu$ is the distribution mean and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation.
It is easy to generate an uniform distribution, but usually generation of a normal distribution requires additional steps rather than having a single step solution.
\end{equation} where $\mu$ is the distribution mean and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation.  
Central limit theorem, inverse transform sampling method, Box-Muller transformation method and Ziggurat algorithm are examples to generate such distribution, given a source of uniform distribution.
Since each of methods has its pros and cons, the optimal selection among those algorithm may differs under different conditions.
It is easy to generate an uniform distribution, but usually generation of a normal distribution requires additional steps rather than having a single step solution. Central limit theorem, inverse transform sampling method, Box-Muller transformation method and Ziggurat algorithm are examples to generate such distribution, given a source of uniform distribution. Since each of methods has its pros and cons, the optimal selection among those algorithm may differs under different conditions.
\subsection{Central Limit Theorem}
<font size="4">Central Limit Theorem</font>
Centrla limit theorem states that when a sufficiently large number of samples drawn from independent random variables, the arithmetic mean of their distributions will be have a normal distribution as commonly known as a bell-shaped distribution.
Centrla limit theorem states that when a sufficiently large number of samples drawn from independent random variables, the arithmetic mean of their distributions will be have a normal distribution as commonly known as a bell-shaped distribution. This implies that sampling from identical and independent uniform distributions will result in a distribution which will be normally distributed as the number of samples involved are large enough. This is shown in the following  
This implies that sampling from identical and independent uniform distributions will result in a distribution which will be normally distributed as the number of samples involved are large enough.
This is shown in the following
      \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1 + \dots + X_n}{n} &\approx \mu \\
      \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1 + \dots + X_n}{n} &amp;\approx \mu \\
      \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1^2 + \dots + X_n^2}{n} &\approx \sigma^2 + \mu^2
      \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1^2 + \dots + X_n^2}{n} &amp;\approx \sigma^2 + \mu^2
where $\left\{X_1, \dots, X_n\right\}$ be a random sample of size $n$ and $\mu$, $\sigma$ represents the mean and standard deviation for a normal distribution.
However, in practice approaching a normal probabilistic distribution to a high accuracy using only central limit theorem requires an impractically large number of samples.
Therefore, using this method to generate normal distribution is expensive and not plausible.
\end{equation} where $\left\{X_1, \dots, X_n\right\}$ be a random sample of size $n$ and $\mu$, $\sigma$ represents the mean and standard deviation for a normal distribution. However, in practice approaching a normal probabilistic distribution to a high accuracy using only central limit theorem requires an impractically large number of samples. Therefore, using this method to generate normal distribution is expensive and not plausible.
\subsection{Inverse Transform Sampling Method}
<font size="4">Inverse Transform Sampling Method</font>
Inverse transform sampling method is a fundamental method in sampling for random numbers and can generate any types of probabilistic distributions given a source of uniform distributions.
Inverse transform sampling method is a fundamental method in sampling for random numbers and can generate any types of probabilistic distributions given a source of uniform distributions. This method involves computing the quantile function. Which of a probabilistic distribution is the inverse of its cumulative distribution. Basically, it generates random numbers $u$ from the uniform distribution in the interval $[0, 1]$. Then, using equations for the desired probabilistic distribution, it computes the value that satisfies $F(x) = u$. Finally, the number $x$ drawn from $F$ density distribution is considred as a random sample.  
This method involves computing the quantile function. Which of a probabilistic distribution is the inverse of its cumulative distribution.
Basically, it generates random numbers $u$ from the uniform distribution in the interval $[0, 1]$.
Then, using equations for the desired probabilistic distribution, it computes the value that satisfies $F(x) = u$.
Finally, the number $x$ drawn from $F$ density distribution is considred as a random sample.
Random numbers that follow a normal distribution can be obtained by the following procedure.
Random numbers that follow a normal distribution can be obtained by the following procedure. First, it starts from Poisson distribution described below.  
First, it starts from Poisson distribution described below.
      p(k) = P(X = k) = e^{-\lambda} \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}, k \ge 0.
    p(k) = P(X = k) = e^{-\lambda} \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}, k \ge 0.
$\lambda$ and $k$ are all deterministic since $\lambda$ is a given mean and $k$ is a $n$th point of Poisson process.
If we can simulate $X = N(1)$ where $\left\{N(t) : t \ge 0 \right\}$, Poisson random number $X$ can be obtained by using the formula
$\lambda$ and $k$ are all deterministic since $\lambda$ is a given mean and $k$ is a $n$th point of Poisson process. If we can simulate $X = N(1)$ where $\left\{N(t)&nbsp;: t \ge 0 \right\}$, Poisson random number $X$ can be obtained by using the formula  
      X = N(1) - 1 = min \left\{n \ge 1 : t_n > 1 \right\} - 1
    X = N(1) - 1 = min \left\{n \ge 1&nbsp;: t_n &gt; 1 \right\} - 1
where $t_n = X_1 + \dots + X_n$. The relation above comes from the exponential term in Poission distribution $e^{-\lambda}n$, that is $X_i = - \frac{1}{\lambda} \ln{u_i}$.
\end{equation} where $t_n = X_1 + \dots + X_n$. The relation above comes from the exponential term in Poission distribution $e^{-\lambda}n$, that is $X_i = - \frac{1}{\lambda} \ln{u_i}$. Using such a relation with additivity of logarithm helps to generate a Poisson random number easily by consequtively adding $X_i$ (equivalently, multiplying uniform random numbers $u_i$). Details are described as  
Using such a relation with additivity of logarithm helps to generate a Poisson random number easily by consequtively adding $X_i$ (equivalently, multiplying uniform random numbers $u_i$).
Details are described as
    X &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln(u_i) < -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
    X &amp;= \min\left\{ n \ge 1&nbsp;: \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln(u_i) &lt; -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
      &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \ln\left(\prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i\right) < -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
      &amp;= \min\left\{ n \ge 1&nbsp;: \ln\left(\prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i\right) &lt; -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
      &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i < e^{-\alpha} \right\} - 1 \\
      &amp;= \min\left\{ n \ge 1&nbsp;: \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i &lt; e^{-\alpha} \right\} - 1 \\
where the product with new $u_i$ drawn from $U \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ is repeated until we find $X = \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i < e^{-\alpha}$.
Note that for large $\lambda$ in a Poisson, its distribution is approximately normal with mean of $\lambda$ and variance of $\lambda$ by the central limit theorem.
As a result, a normal distribution can be generated once we obtain a Poisson distribution based on the samples from uniform distribution using inverse transform sampling method.
This method involves computing the quantile function of the distribution which utilizes the cumulative distribution function and then inverting that function.
\end{equation} where the product with new $u_i$ drawn from $U \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ is repeated until we find $X = \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i &lt; e^{-\alpha}$. Note that for large $\lambda$ in a Poisson, its distribution is approximately normal with mean of $\lambda$ and variance of $\lambda$ by the central limit theorem. As a result, a normal distribution can be generated once we obtain a Poisson distribution based on the samples from uniform distribution using inverse transform sampling method.  
This is why the terminology is called ``inverse'' method.
For a discrete distribution, summation over all individual samples drawn from uniform distribution yields desired distributions.
However, for a continuous cases, integration over probability density function is needed like the same way as we did in discrete domain, but it is impossible to obtain an analytical solution for most distributions.
This shortcoming makes this method computationally inefficient in continuous domain and the alternative such as Box-Muller transform can be used.
This method involves computing the quantile function of the distribution which utilizes the cumulative distribution function and then inverting that function. This is why the terminology is called ``inverse''method.'' For a discrete distribution, summation over all individual samples drawn from uniform distribution yields desired distributions. However, for a continuous cases, integration over probability density function is needed like the same way as we did in discrete domain, but it is impossible to obtain an analytical solution for most distributions. This shortcoming makes this method computationally inefficient in continuous domain and the alternative such as Box-Muller transform can be used.
\subsection{Box-Muller Transform}
<font size="4">Box-Muller Transform</font>
The method generates a normal distribution given a source of uniform distribution.
The method generates a normal distribution given a source of uniform distribution. Main key of this method is to utilize the relation between Cartesian and polar coordinates. The polar form picks two samples from the interval, $[−1, +1]$, and maps them to two independent samples that are normally distributed without the use of sine or cosine functions. The relation between two different domains can be characterized as few equations  
Main key of this method is to utilize the relation between Cartesian and polar coordinates.
The polar form picks two samples from the interval, $[−1, +1]$, and maps them to two independent samples that are normally distributed without the use of sine or cosine functions.
The relation between two different domains can be characterized as few equations
      r^2 = x_1^2 + x_2^2, \qquad \tan\theta = \frac{x_2}{x_1} \\
    r^2 = x_1^2 + x_2^2, \qquad \tan\theta = \frac{x_2}{x_1} \\
      x_1 = r \cos\theta,  \qquad x_2 = r \sin\theta
    x_1 = r \cos\theta,  \qquad x_2 = r \sin\theta
where $\theta \in [0, 2\pi]$ and we assume $|r| \le 1$ since we are going to use $r \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ as a basic building block.
Such region covers the area contained in the unit circle in polar coordinate.
Box-Muller sampling is based on the joint distribution of two independent random variables $x_1 \sim N(0, 1), x_2 \sim N(0,1)$ in Cartesian coordinate.
\end{equation} where $\theta \in [0, 2\pi]$ and we assume $|r| \le 1$ since we are going to use $r \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ as a basic building block. Such region covers the area contained in the unit circle in polar coordinate.
If we convert such distributions in polar coordinate, the joint distribution $p(x_1, x_2)$ becomes
Box-Muller sampling is based on the joint distribution of two independent random variables $x_1 \sim N(0, 1), x_2 \sim N(0,1)$ in Cartesian coordinate. If we convert such distributions in polar coordinate, the joint distribution $p(x_1, x_2)$ becomes  
      p(x_1, x_2) &= p(x_1) p(x_2) \\
    p(x_1, x_2) &amp;= p(x_1) p(x_2) \\
                  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2}{2}\right\}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\
                &amp;= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2}{2}\right\}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\
                  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\
                &amp;= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\
  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{r_2}{2}\right\}
&amp;= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{r_2}{2}\right\}  
From the last line of the equation, we can see that the distribution follows an exponential distribution with respect to $r^2$.
Precisely, distributions in polar coordinate are:
From the last line of the equation, we can see that the distribution follows an exponential distribution with respect to $r^2$. Precisely, distributions in polar coordinate are:  
    r^2 \sim \text{exponential}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right), \qquad \theta \sim \text{uniform}\left(0, 2\pi\right)
    r^2 \sim \text{exponential}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right), \qquad \theta \sim \text{uniform}\left(0, 2\pi\right)
Since the angle $\theta$ already follows an uniform distribution, it can be simply drawm from an uniform distribution.
However, the additional work is needed to generate the exponential distribution.
The connection between uniform and exponential can be formulated as follows:
Since the angle $\theta$ already follows an uniform distribution, it can be simply drawm from an uniform distribution. However, the additional work is needed to generate the exponential distribution. The connection between uniform and exponential can be formulated as follows:  
      \text{exponential}\left(\lambda\right) = \frac{-\log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}{\lambda}
    \text{exponential}\left(\lambda\right) = \frac{-\log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}{\lambda}
Then, combining with the equation in terms of $r^2$ and solving for $r$ gives,
Then, combining with the equation in terms of $r^2$ and solving for $r$ gives,
    r \sim \sqrt{-2 \log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}
    r \sim \sqrt{-2 \log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}
Now all variables $r$ and $\theta$ can be expressed in terms of uniform distributions.
By back-tracking above procedure, we will be able to sucessively generate a normal distribution from out of uniform distributions.
This way to generate normal random numbers is known as Box-Muller transformations with polar method, which makes Box-Muller transformation more efficient by avoiding direct caculations of cosine and sine functions.
Now all variables $r$ and $\theta$ can be expressed in terms of uniform distributions. By back-tracking above procedure, we will be able to sucessively generate a normal distribution from out of uniform distributions. This way to generate normal random numbers is known as Box-Muller transformations with polar method, which makes Box-Muller transformation more efficient by avoiding direct caculations of cosine and sine functions.
\subsection{Ziggurat Algorithm}
<font size="4">Ziggurat Algorithm</font>
Ziggurat method is the fastest algorithm for generating normal random numbers.
Ziggurat method is the fastest algorithm for generating normal random numbers. It is more efficient than Box-Muller method but is more complicated algorithm. Due to the efficiency and speed, it has been implemented in various libraries such as GNU scientific library and MatLab.  
It is more efficient than Box-Muller method but is more complicated algorithm.
Due to the efficiency and speed, it has been implemented in various libraries such as GNU scientific library and MatLab.
This method partitions a target distribution into a small blocks so that the whole distribution can be described as an union of blocks which is
This method partitions a target distribution into a small blocks so that the whole distribution can be described as an union of blocks which is  
      Z = \bigcup_{i=0}^C B_i
    Z = \bigcup_{i=0}^C B_i
where the area of each $B_i$ is a rectangle whose width extends from $x=0$ to $x= x_i$ horizontally and whose height vertically extends from $f(x_i)$ to $f(x_{i+1})$ (details are shown in the following equation).
\end{equation} where the area of each $B_i$ is a rectangle whose width extends from $x=0$ to $x= x_i$ horizontally and whose height vertically extends from $f(x_i)$ to $f(x_{i+1})$ (details are shown in the following equation).  
\[ B_i = \left\{  
\[ B_i = \left\{  
   \begin{array}{l l}
   \begin{array}{l l}
      1 & \quad \left\{(x, y) | 0 < x < x_i, f(x_i) < y < f(x_{i+1})\right\} \\
    1 &amp; \quad \left\{(x, y) | 0 &lt; x &lt; x_i, f(x_i) &lt; y &lt; f(x_{i+1})\right\} \\
      0 & \quad \text{otherwise}
    0 &amp; \quad \text{otherwise}
  \end{array} \right.\]
  \end{array} \right.\]
Here $x_i$s are $x$-values that monotonically increases from the center to the tail for a given normal distribution.
The algorithm first choose a random block $i$ among all possible $B_i$s.
Here $x_i$s are $x$-values that monotonically increases from the center to the tail for a given normal distribution.  
Then, it draws a random number $u_0$ from uniform $(0,1)$ and calculate $z$ by multiplying the x-axis index $i$ with $u_0$.
If the randomly generated $z$ belongs to any of partitioned blocks, $z$ returns as a normal random number.
Otherwise, it again calculates a similar step for $y$-axis to check whether the sample belongs to wedge or not.
Since understanding of the principle of this algorithm requires background knowledge, details are out of scope for this slecture and please refer to the paper titiled ``The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables''.
The critical values such as the edges of the rectangle ($x_i$ or $f(x_i)$) used in Ziggurat method are stored in memory, which improves efficiency in terms of computational cost.
The algorithm first choose a random block $i$ among all possible $B_i$s. Then, it draws a random number $u_0$ from uniform $(0,1)$ and calculate $z$ by multiplying the x-axis index $i$ with $u_0$. If the randomly generated $z$ belongs to any of partitioned blocks, $z$ returns as a normal random number. Otherwise, it again calculates a similar step for $y$-axis to check whether the sample belongs to wedge or not. Since understanding of the principle of this algorithm requires background knowledge, details are out of scope for this slecture and please refer to the paper titiled ``The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables''.''
Moreover, it does not need to evaluate an exponential function all the time while Box-Muller method computes the exponential (or logarithm) everytime.
The ziggurat algorithm will calculate an exponential function only if samples are in the wedge.
For these reason, the ziggurat algorithm is the fastest way to generate but relatively difficult to implement it is best used when large quantities of random numbers are needed.
\section{Conversion from normalized distribution}
The critical values such as the edges of the rectangle ($x_i$ or $f(x_i)$) used in Ziggurat method are stored in memory, which improves efficiency in terms of computational cost. Moreover, it does not need to evaluate an exponential function all the time while Box-Muller method computes the exponential (or logarithm) everytime. The ziggurat algorithm will calculate an exponential function only if samples are in the wedge. For these reason, the ziggurat algorithm is the fastest way to generate but relatively difficult to implement it is best used when large quantities of random numbers are needed.
Any normal distribution with $\mu_0$ and $\sigma_0$ can be easily converted to another normal distribution with a custom mean $\mu_1$ and standard deviation $\sigma_1$.
For convenience and resource saving purpose, random numbers are generated from normalized normal distribution that follows $N(0, 1)$ from a signle unified source, then such numbers are converted to follow a custom normal distribution simply using the following equation.
<font size="5">Conversion from normalized distribution</font>
Any normal distribution with $\mu_0$ and $\sigma_0$ can be easily converted to another normal distribution with a custom mean $\mu_1$ and standard deviation $\sigma_1$. For convenience and resource saving purpose, random numbers are generated from normalized normal distribution that follows $N(0, 1)$ from a signle unified source, then such numbers are converted to follow a custom normal distribution simply using the following equation.  
      Z &= \frac{X - \mu_0}{\sigma_0} \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_0, \sigma_0) \\
    Z &amp;= \frac{X - \mu_0}{\sigma_0} \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_0, \sigma_0) \\
      X &= \sigma_i Z + \mu_i \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_i) \\
    X &amp;= \sigma_i Z + \mu_i \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_i) \\
\section{Extension to N-dimensional data}
<font size="5">Extension to N-dimensional data</font>
Until now, we have studied how to generate normally distributed random number in 1-dimensional space.
Until now, we have studied how to generate normally distributed random number in 1-dimensional space. The same method can be extended to N-dimensional space to create multi-dimensional random vectors whose underlying distribution is normal. Compared to the previous case where we were using a scalar value for a mean and a standard deviation, N-dimensional random vectors can be obtained by repeating the single random number generation process N times, then concatenating random numbers as a column-wise vector. This is possible because all basis are orthogonal to each other and generating a single random value in a vector does not affect the generation process of other components. Note that prior selection is used to choose either class vector 1 or class vector 2. Once the class is determined by its prior drawn from uniform distribution, random number generation process is repeated N times to fill out the random vector. Each of which will follow class vector statistics, which are  
The same method can be extended to N-dimensional space to create multi-dimensional random vectors whose underlying distribution is normal.
Compared to the previous case where we were using a scalar value for a mean and a standard deviation, N-dimensional random vectors can be obtained by repeating the single random number generation process N times, then concatenating random numbers as a column-wise vector.
This is possible because all basis are orthogonal to each other and generating a single random value in a vector does not affect the generation process of other components.
Note that prior selection is used to choose either class vector 1 or class vector 2.
Once the class is determined by its prior drawn from uniform distribution, random number generation process is repeated N times to fill out the random vector.
Each of which will follow class vector statistics, which are
      M^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
    M^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
              \mu_1^1 \\
              \mu_1^1 \\
              \mu_2^1 \\
              \mu_2^1 \\
              \vdots  \\
              \vdots  \\
              \mu_N^1 \\
              \mu_N^1 \\
            \end{bmatrix} \quad
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
      S^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
    S^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
              \sigma_1^1 \\
              \sigma_1^1 \\
              \sigma_2^1 \\
              \sigma_2^1 \\
              \vdots  \\
              \vdots  \\
              \sigma_N^1 \\
              \sigma_N^1 \\
            \end{bmatrix} \quad
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
      M^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
    M^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
              \mu_1^2 \\
              \mu_1^2 \\
              \mu_2^2 \\
              \mu_2^2 \\
              \vdots  \\
              \vdots  \\
              \mu_N^2 \\
              \mu_N^2 \\
            \end{bmatrix} \quad
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
      S^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
    S^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
              \sigma_1^2 \\
              \sigma_1^2 \\
              \sigma_2^2 \\
              \sigma_2^2 \\
              \vdots  \\
              \vdots  \\
              \sigma_N^2 \\
              \sigma_N^2 \\
where the superscript denotes the class label and the subscript indicates an element index. $M$ and $S$ denotes a mean matrix and a standard deviation matrix, respectively.
Surely, this method is no more available when more than two basis in a given multi-dimension space are correlated.
\end{equation} where the superscript denotes the class label and the subscript indicates an element index. $M$ and $S$ denotes a mean matrix and a standard deviation matrix, respectively.  
The scope of this work covers a general case where all basis in the search space are orthogonal.
Surely, this method is no more available when more than two basis in a given multi-dimension space are correlated. The scope of this work covers a general case where all basis in the search space are orthogonal.
<font size="5">Conclusion</font>
Now we understand how to generate N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors using samples taken from uniform distributions.
Now we understand how to generate N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors using samples taken from uniform distributions. The generation of random numbers with a normal distribution combined with the prior selection step discussed in the earlier section provides statistically consistent datasets, which will improve the accuracy of trainable systems. While class selection based on the prior probabilities is relatively simple, the generation of random numbers with a normal distribution has many issues to be considered because of the trade-off between its computational cost and the accuracy. The four methods covered in this work have their own pros and cons, but practically efficiency and complexity are the most important concerns to be considered when deciding an optimal model for given task.  
The generation of random numbers with a normal distribution combined with the prior selection step discussed in the earlier section provides statistically consistent datasets, which will improve the accuracy of trainable systems.
While class selection based on the prior probabilities is relatively simple, the generation of random numbers with a normal distribution has many issues to be considered because of the trade-off between its computational cost and the accuracy.
The four methods covered in this work have their own pros and cons, but practically efficiency and complexity are the most important concerns to be considered when deciding an optimal model for given task.
<font size="5">References</font>
[1] Dong-U Lee, Wayne Luk, John Villasenor and Peter Cheung, ``A Hardware Gaussian Noise Generator for Channel Code Evaluation
[2] Raul Toral and Amitabha Chakrabarti, ``Generation of Gaussian distributed random numbers by using a numerical inversion method
[3] Hassan Edrees, Brian Cheung, McCullen Sandora, David Nummey and Deian Stefan ``Hardware-Optimized Ziggurat Algorithm for High-Speed Gaussian Random Number Generators
[4] Central Limit Theorem, wikipedia,
[5] Inverse Transform Sampling, wikipedia,
[6] Box-Muller Transform, wikipedia,
[7] Box-Muller Transformation, mathworld,
[8] Emiliano A. Valdez, Lecture note,
[9] Karl Sigman, Lecture note,
[10] Henrik Schoioler, Lecture note,
*If you are making a text slecture
  [1] Dong-U Lee, Wayne Luk, John Villasenor and Peter Cheung, ``A Hardware Gaussian Noise Generator for Channel Code Evaluation''
**Type text using wikitext markup languages
  [2] Raul Toral and Amitabha Chakrabarti, ``Generation of Gaussian distributed random numbers by using a numerical inversion method''
**Type all equations using latex code between <nowiki> <math> </math> </nowiki> tags.  
  [3] Hassan Edrees, Brian Cheung, McCullen Sandora, David Nummey and Deian Stefan ``Hardware-Optimized Ziggurat Algorithm for High-Speed Gaussian Random Number Generators''
**You may include links to other [ Project Rhea] pages.
  [4] Central Limit Theorem, wikipedia,
  [5] Inverse Transform Sampling, wikipedia,
  [6] Box-Muller Transform, wikipedia,
  [7] Box-Muller Transformation, mathworld,
  [8] Emiliano A. Valdez, Lecture note,
  [9] Karl Sigman, Lecture note,
  [10] Henrik Schoioler, Lecture note,
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Generation of N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors

A slecture by ECE student

Partly based on the ECE662 Spring 2014 lecture material of Prof. Mireille Boutin.


In the most of pattern recognition, decision and classification problems, the concept of training becomes popular with the advance of Machine Learning and computing power that can afford to expensive computatioal costs. Such a trainable system is a record-holder for many open problems and its powerful capability is successfully built based on the massive volume of information in a dataset. Due to the importance of data, people not only try to obtain a big quantity of data, but also concentrate a good quality of data. Often, a real-world data contains either high variance or high bias hence it is difficult to estimate true density and using such data does not necessarily result in good performance. In the circumstance, a naive assumption about the class distribution helps us synthesize data so that we can train models with a consistent dataset. Among many distributions, Normal distribution is frequently used in many literatures. This tutorial will explain how to generate binary data classes from normal distributions with prior probabilities in a perspective on numerical experiments.

It consists of the following sections:


  \item Prior selection : How to set priors?
 \item Normal distribution : How it work? Which is more efficient?

\item Central limit theorem

        \item Inverse transform sampling method
       \item Box-Muller transform
       \item Ziggurat Algorithm
 \item Conclusion


Prior Selection

Prior probability gives an idea on which class is more likely to be observed among all possible classes. For binary data classes with normal distributions, it is important to draw samples based on priors before investigating how to generate distributions. This is because in practice the number of samples contains implicit information about prior probability and also empirical prior is different from the true prior used to determine class selection where the empirical prior is calculated by only looking at the ratio of class 1 and class 2 for binary classification example.

To be specific, prior probability affects the generation of samples for binary classification in a way described in the following. First, sampling data from uniform distribution $(0, 1)$ and let the class priors be $Prob(\omega_1)$ and $Prob(\omega_2)$ respectively where the condition $Prob(\omega_1) + Prob(\omega_2) = 1$ holds. If a random sample is drawn in the range $[0, Prob(\omega_1)]$, label the sample as class 1, then, continue to generating a normal random number based on the class 1 statistics $(\mu, \sigma)$. Otherwise, the sample belongs to $[Prob(\omega_2), 1]$ and should be labeled as class 2, then, move onto the normal random number generation step with the class 2 statistics like the same way as we did for class 1. In summary,

\[ X_i = \left\{

  \begin{array}{l l}
    X_i^{1} \sim N(\mu_1, \sigma_1) & \quad X_i \in [0, Prob(\omega_1)] \\
    X_i^{2} \sim N(\mu_2, \sigma_2) & \quad \text{otherwise}
 \end{array} \right.\]

where the superscript of $X_i$ indicates the label of the class.

Normal Distribution Generation

Once you decide the class of the sample, now it is time to generate actual random number that follows the class statistics determined in the prior selection step. The normal distribution is frequetly used in many statistical models and being able to draw samples from the normal distribution lies at the heart of many probabilistic learning algorithms. The probability distribution function for the normal distribution is defined as


   y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp\left\{-\frac{\left(x-\mu\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}\right\}

\end{equation} where $\mu$ is the distribution mean and $\sigma$ is the standard deviation.

It is easy to generate an uniform distribution, but usually generation of a normal distribution requires additional steps rather than having a single step solution. Central limit theorem, inverse transform sampling method, Box-Muller transformation method and Ziggurat algorithm are examples to generate such distribution, given a source of uniform distribution. Since each of methods has its pros and cons, the optimal selection among those algorithm may differs under different conditions.

Central Limit Theorem

Centrla limit theorem states that when a sufficiently large number of samples drawn from independent random variables, the arithmetic mean of their distributions will be have a normal distribution as commonly known as a bell-shaped distribution. This implies that sampling from identical and independent uniform distributions will result in a distribution which will be normally distributed as the number of samples involved are large enough. This is shown in the following


     \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1 + \dots + X_n}{n} &\approx \mu \\
     \lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{X_1^2 + \dots + X_n^2}{n} &\approx \sigma^2 + \mu^2

\end{equation} where $\left\{X_1, \dots, X_n\right\}$ be a random sample of size $n$ and $\mu$, $\sigma$ represents the mean and standard deviation for a normal distribution. However, in practice approaching a normal probabilistic distribution to a high accuracy using only central limit theorem requires an impractically large number of samples. Therefore, using this method to generate normal distribution is expensive and not plausible.

Inverse Transform Sampling Method

Inverse transform sampling method is a fundamental method in sampling for random numbers and can generate any types of probabilistic distributions given a source of uniform distributions. This method involves computing the quantile function. Which of a probabilistic distribution is the inverse of its cumulative distribution. Basically, it generates random numbers $u$ from the uniform distribution in the interval $[0, 1]$. Then, using equations for the desired probabilistic distribution, it computes the value that satisfies $F(x) = u$. Finally, the number $x$ drawn from $F$ density distribution is considred as a random sample.

Random numbers that follow a normal distribution can be obtained by the following procedure. First, it starts from Poisson distribution described below.


    p(k) = P(X = k) = e^{-\lambda} \frac{\lambda^k}{k!}, k \ge 0.


$\lambda$ and $k$ are all deterministic since $\lambda$ is a given mean and $k$ is a $n$th point of Poisson process. If we can simulate $X = N(1)$ where $\left\{N(t) : t \ge 0 \right\}$, Poisson random number $X$ can be obtained by using the formula


    X = N(1) - 1 = min \left\{n \ge 1 : t_n > 1 \right\} - 1

\end{equation} where $t_n = X_1 + \dots + X_n$. The relation above comes from the exponential term in Poission distribution $e^{-\lambda}n$, that is $X_i = - \frac{1}{\lambda} \ln{u_i}$. Using such a relation with additivity of logarithm helps to generate a Poisson random number easily by consequtively adding $X_i$ (equivalently, multiplying uniform random numbers $u_i$). Details are described as


   X &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln(u_i) < -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
     &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \ln\left(\prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i\right) < -\alpha \right\} - 1 \\
     &= \min\left\{ n \ge 1 : \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i < e^{-\alpha} \right\} - 1 \\

\end{equation} where the product with new $u_i$ drawn from $U \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ is repeated until we find $X = \prod_{i=1}^{n} u_i < e^{-\alpha}$. Note that for large $\lambda$ in a Poisson, its distribution is approximately normal with mean of $\lambda$ and variance of $\lambda$ by the central limit theorem. As a result, a normal distribution can be generated once we obtain a Poisson distribution based on the samples from uniform distribution using inverse transform sampling method.

This method involves computing the quantile function of the distribution which utilizes the cumulative distribution function and then inverting that function. This is why the terminology is called ``inversemethod. For a discrete distribution, summation over all individual samples drawn from uniform distribution yields desired distributions. However, for a continuous cases, integration over probability density function is needed like the same way as we did in discrete domain, but it is impossible to obtain an analytical solution for most distributions. This shortcoming makes this method computationally inefficient in continuous domain and the alternative such as Box-Muller transform can be used.

Box-Muller Transform

The method generates a normal distribution given a source of uniform distribution. Main key of this method is to utilize the relation between Cartesian and polar coordinates. The polar form picks two samples from the interval, $[−1, +1]$, and maps them to two independent samples that are normally distributed without the use of sine or cosine functions. The relation between two different domains can be characterized as few equations


    r^2 = x_1^2 + x_2^2, \qquad \tan\theta = \frac{x_2}{x_1} \\
    x_1 = r \cos\theta,  \qquad x_2 = r \sin\theta

\end{equation} where $\theta \in [0, 2\pi]$ and we assume $|r| \le 1$ since we are going to use $r \sim \text{uniform}(0, 1)$ as a basic building block. Such region covers the area contained in the unit circle in polar coordinate.

Box-Muller sampling is based on the joint distribution of two independent random variables $x_1 \sim N(0, 1), x_2 \sim N(0,1)$ in Cartesian coordinate. If we convert such distributions in polar coordinate, the joint distribution $p(x_1, x_2)$ becomes


    p(x_1, x_2) &= p(x_1) p(x_2) \\
                &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2}{2}\right\}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\
                &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{x_1^2 + x_2^2}{2}\right\} \\

&= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left\{-\frac{r_2}{2}\right\}



From the last line of the equation, we can see that the distribution follows an exponential distribution with respect to $r^2$. Precisely, distributions in polar coordinate are:


   r^2 \sim \text{exponential}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right), \qquad \theta \sim \text{uniform}\left(0, 2\pi\right)


Since the angle $\theta$ already follows an uniform distribution, it can be simply drawm from an uniform distribution. However, the additional work is needed to generate the exponential distribution. The connection between uniform and exponential can be formulated as follows:


    \text{exponential}\left(\lambda\right) = \frac{-\log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}{\lambda}


Then, combining with the equation in terms of $r^2$ and solving for $r$ gives,


   r \sim \sqrt{-2 \log\left(\text{uniform}(0, 1)\right)}


Now all variables $r$ and $\theta$ can be expressed in terms of uniform distributions. By back-tracking above procedure, we will be able to sucessively generate a normal distribution from out of uniform distributions. This way to generate normal random numbers is known as Box-Muller transformations with polar method, which makes Box-Muller transformation more efficient by avoiding direct caculations of cosine and sine functions.

Ziggurat Algorithm

Ziggurat method is the fastest algorithm for generating normal random numbers. It is more efficient than Box-Muller method but is more complicated algorithm. Due to the efficiency and speed, it has been implemented in various libraries such as GNU scientific library and MatLab.

This method partitions a target distribution into a small blocks so that the whole distribution can be described as an union of blocks which is


    Z = \bigcup_{i=0}^C B_i

\end{equation} where the area of each $B_i$ is a rectangle whose width extends from $x=0$ to $x= x_i$ horizontally and whose height vertically extends from $f(x_i)$ to $f(x_{i+1})$ (details are shown in the following equation).

\[ B_i = \left\{

  \begin{array}{l l}
    1 & \quad \left\{(x, y) | 0 < x < x_i, f(x_i) < y < f(x_{i+1})\right\} \\
    0 & \quad \text{otherwise}
 \end{array} \right.\]

Here $x_i$s are $x$-values that monotonically increases from the center to the tail for a given normal distribution.

The algorithm first choose a random block $i$ among all possible $B_i$s. Then, it draws a random number $u_0$ from uniform $(0,1)$ and calculate $z$ by multiplying the x-axis index $i$ with $u_0$. If the randomly generated $z$ belongs to any of partitioned blocks, $z$ returns as a normal random number. Otherwise, it again calculates a similar step for $y$-axis to check whether the sample belongs to wedge or not. Since understanding of the principle of this algorithm requires background knowledge, details are out of scope for this slecture and please refer to the paper titiled ``The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables.

The critical values such as the edges of the rectangle ($x_i$ or $f(x_i)$) used in Ziggurat method are stored in memory, which improves efficiency in terms of computational cost. Moreover, it does not need to evaluate an exponential function all the time while Box-Muller method computes the exponential (or logarithm) everytime. The ziggurat algorithm will calculate an exponential function only if samples are in the wedge. For these reason, the ziggurat algorithm is the fastest way to generate but relatively difficult to implement it is best used when large quantities of random numbers are needed.

Conversion from normalized distribution

Any normal distribution with $\mu_0$ and $\sigma_0$ can be easily converted to another normal distribution with a custom mean $\mu_1$ and standard deviation $\sigma_1$. For convenience and resource saving purpose, random numbers are generated from normalized normal distribution that follows $N(0, 1)$ from a signle unified source, then such numbers are converted to follow a custom normal distribution simply using the following equation.


    Z &= \frac{X - \mu_0}{\sigma_0} \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_0, \sigma_0) \\
    X &= \sigma_i Z + \mu_i \quad \text{where } Z \sim N(0, 1) \text{ and } X \sim N(\mu_i, \sigma_i) \\


Extension to N-dimensional data

Until now, we have studied how to generate normally distributed random number in 1-dimensional space. The same method can be extended to N-dimensional space to create multi-dimensional random vectors whose underlying distribution is normal. Compared to the previous case where we were using a scalar value for a mean and a standard deviation, N-dimensional random vectors can be obtained by repeating the single random number generation process N times, then concatenating random numbers as a column-wise vector. This is possible because all basis are orthogonal to each other and generating a single random value in a vector does not affect the generation process of other components. Note that prior selection is used to choose either class vector 1 or class vector 2. Once the class is determined by its prior drawn from uniform distribution, random number generation process is repeated N times to fill out the random vector. Each of which will follow class vector statistics, which are


    M^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
             \mu_1^1 \\
             \mu_2^1 \\
             \vdots  \\
             \mu_N^1 \\
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
    S^1 = \begin{bmatrix}
             \sigma_1^1 \\
             \sigma_2^1 \\
             \vdots  \\
             \sigma_N^1 \\
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
    M^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
             \mu_1^2 \\
             \mu_2^2 \\
             \vdots  \\
             \mu_N^2 \\
          \end{bmatrix} \quad
    S^2 = \begin{bmatrix}
             \sigma_1^2 \\
             \sigma_2^2 \\
             \vdots  \\
             \sigma_N^2 \\

\end{equation} where the superscript denotes the class label and the subscript indicates an element index. $M$ and $S$ denotes a mean matrix and a standard deviation matrix, respectively.

Surely, this method is no more available when more than two basis in a given multi-dimension space are correlated. The scope of this work covers a general case where all basis in the search space are orthogonal.


Now we understand how to generate N-dimensional normally distributed random numbers from two categories with different priors using samples taken from uniform distributions. The generation of random numbers with a normal distribution combined with the prior selection step discussed in the earlier section provides statistically consistent datasets, which will improve the accuracy of trainable systems. While class selection based on the prior probabilities is relatively simple, the generation of random numbers with a normal distribution has many issues to be considered because of the trade-off between its computational cost and the accuracy. The four methods covered in this work have their own pros and cons, but practically efficiency and complexity are the most important concerns to be considered when deciding an optimal model for given task.


[1] Dong-U Lee, Wayne Luk, John Villasenor and Peter Cheung, ``A Hardware Gaussian Noise Generator for Channel Code Evaluation [2] Raul Toral and Amitabha Chakrabarti, ``Generation of Gaussian distributed random numbers by using a numerical inversion method [3] Hassan Edrees, Brian Cheung, McCullen Sandora, David Nummey and Deian Stefan ``Hardware-Optimized Ziggurat Algorithm for High-Speed Gaussian Random Number Generators [4] Central Limit Theorem, wikipedia, [5] Inverse Transform Sampling, wikipedia, [6] Box-Muller Transform, wikipedia, [7] Box-Muller Transformation, mathworld, [8] Emiliano A. Valdez, Lecture note, [9] Karl Sigman, Lecture note, [10] Henrik Schoioler, Lecture note, [11]

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