(The ChangeLog)
(270 intermediate revisions by 38 users not shown)
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[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
* 2007/10/02 -- Created a new page on [[Kernels_Old Kiwi]].
* 2007/10/02 -- Created a new page on [[Image Processing_Old Kiwi]].
* 2007/10/03 -- Edited [[Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_Old Kiwi]] by adding the section on [[Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_Old Kiwi#Bayes_rule|Bayes rule]].
* 2007/10/03 -- Edited [[Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_Old Kiwi]] by adding the section on [[Lecture 3 - Bayes classification_Old Kiwi#Bayes_rule|Bayes rule]] equation <3,4,5> and figures <1,2,3>.
== The ChangeLog ==
== The ChangeLog ==
[[User:kim458|KyoHyouk Kim]]
* 2008/04/25  -- Addeda pattern recognition application field in remote sensing
[[User:akamra|Ashish Kamra]]
[[User:akamra|Ashish Kamra]]
* 2008/03/23 -- Added a link to UCI machine learning dataset repository
* 2008/04/20  -- Added description of the k-centers clustering problem [[Clustering_Algorithms_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/03/23 -- Added link to machine learning resources from http://www.kernel-machines.org/
* 2008/04/20  -- Added link to past conferences on application of machine learning techniques to anomaly detection [[Applications_of_Pattern_Recognition_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/28  -- Added link to an excellent survey paper on outlier detection methodologies [[Applications_of_Pattern_Recognition_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/28  -- Added link to an application of one class classification in anomaly detection [[Applications_of_Pattern_Recognition_Old Kiwi]]
[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
[[User:Bsisman|Bunyamin Sisman]]
* 2008/03/09 -- Moved the lecture 3 from old Kiwi.
* 2008/04/24  -- Added a page with some figures for [https://balthier.ecn.purdue.edu/index.php/Mixture_Models Mixture Models] to Glossary
[[User:wlunga|Dalton Lunga]]
* 2008/04/17  -- Added last part of Lecture on 26 [[Statistical Clustering Methods_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/24  -- Added more notes on clustering algorithms
* 2008/04/24  -- Added link to clustering paper(Clustering Sequences with HMM)[[Clustering Sequences_Old Kiwi]]
[[User:Ebernard|Elvin Bernard]]
[[User:ebernard|Elvin Bernard]]
* 2008/03/17 -- Moved the change log from old Kiwi, for usernames kyohyouk.kim.1, madhur.gupta.1, mandoye.ndoye.1, Rahul.srinivasa.raghavan, thanh.h.ha.1, and yamini.nimmagadda.1. Combined entries made on a single day into one entry.
* 2008/04/24 -- Created new pages or moved old pages for the [[Glossary_Old Kiwi]] items: [[Euclidean Distance (ED)_Old Kiwi]], [[Generalized Rayleigh Quotient_Old Kiwi]], [[KNN-K Nearest Neighbor_Old Kiwi]], [[Partial Differential Equations (PDE)_Old Kiwi]], [[Prior_Old Kiwi]], [[Pruning_Old Kiwi]], [[Quadratic Programming Problem_Old Kiwi]], [[Reinforcement learning_Old Kiwi]], [[Slack Variable_Old Kiwi]], [[Taxicab Distance_Old Kiwi]], [[Testing_Old Kiwi]], [[Training_Old Kiwi]], [[Unbiased Estimator_Old Kiwi]], [[Uninformative Prior_Old Kiwi]], [[Unsupervised learning_Old Kiwi]].
[[User:gsrivast|Gaurav Srivastava]]
[[User:gsrivast|Gaurav Srivastava]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Edited Lecture 17 to fix all the Latex formulae and other formatting so that it works with the new Kiwi.
* 2008/04/18 -- This posting is for week 14. Previous posting is for week 13. Added a new page giving a simple definition and illustrative example of Minimum Description Length ([[MDL_Old Kiwi]]) principle. Click here -->> [[MDL_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/03/23 -- Fixed Latex format of equation 4 and the numbering of all the formulae in lecture 16.
* 2008/03/23 -- Added the [[Parzen Window Estimation example_Old Kiwi]] link to lecture 16.
[[User:gong1|Jungtag Gong]]
[[User:Jinyoung1|Jinyoung Kim]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Linked the software sites with KNN classifier,classification using SVM,demonstration Parzen window matlab codes and several matlab codes related to learning,clustering and pattern classification in [[Homework_2_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/24 -- Summarize a paper which employs Neural Netowrk in calibrating scanners [[Artificial Neural Networks_Old Kiwi]]- Application of Neural Networks to Color Calibration
* 2008/03/16 -- Copied the KNN and Hilbert Space in the old Glossory to the new system.
* 2008/04/24 -- Describe my experiences on Neural Network to detect sonar singlas in sea [[Talk:Artificial Neural Networks_Old Kiwi]]
[[User:hsantosv|Hector Santos]]
[[User:yoder2|Josiah Yoder]]
* 2008/03/06 -- Added my homework results for homework 1 problem 2 in lecture 4 ([[Bayes Classification: Experiments and Notes_Old Kiwi]]) as an example of how to use Bayes decision theory and its results.
* 2008/04/24 -- Added the text and equations for [[Lecture 28 - Final lecture_Old Kiwi]]. There are lots of figures that still need to be created!
* 2008/03/14 -- Move [[Lecture 4 - Bayes Classification_Old Kiwi]] from old Kiwi.
* 2008/03/23 -- Move my article on [[Case-based Reasoning_Old Kiwi]] from old kiwi.
[[User:Jinyoung|Jin-Young Kim]]
[[User:gong1|Jungtag Gong]]
* 2008/03/09 -- Describe how to download and run Matlab Neural Networks Toolbox for classification [hw2]. Add a link to download SVM libraries in C and describe how to run them in Matlab [hw2]
* 2008/04/20 -- Linked the website of a tutorial on clustering and K-mean, Fuzzy C-means, Hierarchical clustering and clustering as mixture of gaussian methods at the clustering in the [[Glossary_Old Kiwi]].
[[User:Yoder2|Josiah Yoder]]
[[User:han1|Kihwan Han]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Copied the [[ECE662:ChangeLog_Old Kiwi]] to the new system. Copied over all top-level pages under [[ECE662:ECE662_Old Kiwi#Course Topics| Course Topics]] from old Kiwi.
* 2008/04/16 -- Created [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi]] (Algorithms for clustering from feature vector: All texts and equations 2-1 ~ 2-15)
* 2008/04/22 -- Created [[Lecture 27 - Clustering by finding valleys of densities_Old Kiwi]] and filled in section  (PDE based valley seeking) all texts and equations (3-1) ~ (3-30)
[[User:han47|Kihwan Han]]
* 2008/03/02 -- Updated Lecture 16 (K-nearest neighbor density estimate-texts,and ALL equations (1) ~ (13))(old kiwi)
* 2008/03/10 -- Make Lecture 18.(ALL texts and ALL equations, except for figures. )
* 2008/03/23 -- Edited [Lecture 13] Equation from (1) to (13)
[[User:Kim458|Kyohyouk Kim]]
[[User:kng|Kaki Ng]]
* 2008/03/09 -- Added a part of note in [Lecture 17].
* 2008/04/21 -- Added a reference library for tools
* 2008/03/22 -- Moved [Lecture 10] from Old-Kiwi & Update "Class Lecture Note table"
[[User:Kng|Ka Ki Ng]]
[[User:huffmalm|Landis Huffman]]
* 2008/03/17 -- Copied [[Lecture 13_Old Kiwi]] to the new wiki page.
* 2008/04/17 -- Created a page for [[Lecture_26_-_Statistical_Clustering_Methods_Old Kiwi]] and wrote a small description of Prof. Bouman's cluster software.  I modified the diagram from the software manual to match the corrected version presented in class.  I have included this diagram, a link to the cluster homepage, and a short writeup in the Lecture 26 notes.
* 2008/03/23 -- Edited [[Lecture 13_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/25 -- Created diagrams for [[Lecture_28_-_Final_lecture_Old Kiwi]] showing the dromadaire turning into a chamaeu.  If I knew how, I would have mediaWiki resize these images.  Ugh!
[[User:Huffmalm|Landis Huffman]]
[[User:lbachega|Leonardo Bachega]]
* 2008/03/20 -- Ported over [[Bayes Decision Rule_Old Kiwi]] page (although embedded YouTube link will not show up).
* 2008/04/20 -- Created whole article about Multidimensional Scaling ([[MDS_Old Kiwi]]). Formated all equations in Latex and added references.
* 2008/03/20 -- Ported over page [[Generating Gaussian Samples_Old Kiwi]] and reformatted Latex equations.
* 2008/04/28 -- Create article about non-linear spectral methods [[Nonlinear Methods: When Data Embedded in Low-Dimensional Non-Linear Manifold_Old Kiwi]], and added the articles for [[Isomaps_Old Kiwi]] and [[Laplacian Eigenmaps_Old Kiwi]].
[[User:Lbachega|Leonardo Bachega]]
[[User:guptam|Madhur Gupta]]
* 2008/03/11 -- Copied the [[Tools_Old Kiwi]] session to the new system. Added new useful book reference [["Introduction to Data Mining" by P-N Tan, M. Steinbach and V. Kumar_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/16 -- Added the set of lecture notes for [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi]] under the section "Clustering Methods - A summary". This includes a table for summary of Clustering methods titled "Figure 1". It also includes some text explaining defect in these methods and motivation for feature vector-based methods, which involve projection to lower dimensions. I do not provide the illustrating figures for the text, but I annotate for the same at two places.
* 2008/03/16 -- Copied notes from [[Derivation of Fisher's Linear Discriminant_Old Kiwi]] fixing some formulas, copied all the pictures. Copied notes from [[Lecture 11 - Fischer's Linear Discriminant again_Old Kiwi]] fixing formula subscripts
* 2008/04/22 -- Added lecture notes for [[Lecture 27 - Clustering by finding valleys of densities_Old Kiwi]] on the first two sections namely " Clustering by finding valleys of densities" and " Graph based implementation". I did not contribute any figure, but annotate a place where it may be inserted.
[[User:Guptam|Madhur Gupta]]
[[User:Mboschru|Marc Bosch]]
* 2008/03/04 -- Added notes to Lecture 17, from starting of discussion on Nearest Neighbor Classification Rule to examples of metrics in the non-discrete domain.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added four papers in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] about Optimization-based clustering methods.
* 2008/03/19 -- Moved Lecture 16 to the new Kiwi, including the figures.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added two papers in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] about Hierarchical Clustering Methods.
[[Lecture 16 - Parzen Window Method and K-nearest Neighbor Density Estimate_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/04/20 -- Added five papers in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] about Density-based Clustering methods.
* 2008/04/20 --  Added two papers in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] about Grid-Based Clustering Methods.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added two papers in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] about Graph-based Clustering Methods.
[[User:nbedwell|Neil Bedwell]]
* 2008/04/23 -- Corrected LaTex equations in [[Lecture 14 - ANNs, Non-parametric Density Estimation (Parzen Window)_Old Kiwi]], so that all are now correctly displayed.
[[User:Mndoye|Mandoye Ndoye]]
[[User:Qxia|Qian Xia]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Added in Homework/ [HW2] links to many SVM software sites ( sites with SWM codes using MATLAB , sites with SVM codes using C/C++). Also added link to sample SVM datasets for use in the HW2 if needed.
* 2008/04/19 -- Add a comment in discussion of [[Lecture 23 - Spanning Trees_Old Kiwi]] on the definition of path given in class.
* 2008/04/21 -- Edited [[Lecture 26 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi]] by adding the section on advantages of "partitional clustering".
* 2008/04/21 -- Edited [[Lecture 27 - Statistical Clustering Methods_Old Kiwi]] by adding the section on how the separation rule obtained by mixture of Gaussians model can be generalized to future unseen data.
[[User:Mboschru|Marc Bosch Ruiz]]
[[User:Rsriniva|Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Copied the Reference section to the new system (Journals, 2008 conferences and other universities websites). Copied some of the publications in the reference section
* 2008/04/20 -- Added a new page on [[Influence Map_Old Kiwi]], and added materials under the same.
[[User:Mortz|Maria Ortiz]]
[[User:park200|Seong Jun Park]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Copied most of [[Lecture_5_-_Discriminant_Functions_Old Kiwi| Lecture 5]] to the new system.
* 2008/04/21 -- Added and modified the square error in Lecture 26 Statistical clustering methods.
*  2008/04/21 -- Added an image about Defining Distances Between Clusters in Lecture 24.
*  2008/04/26 -- Added two images about of Valley Seeking, and modified an equation to be wrong in Lecture 27.
*  2008/04/26 -- Added part of an equation and bayes error rate graph for Nearest Neighbor in Lecture 19.
[[User:Rsriniva|Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Created a new page on [Face detection vs Face recognition] and added materials under the                same.
* 2008/03/16  -- Transferred [[Probabilistic neural networks_Old Kiwi]] from old kiwi. Transferred [[Steepest descent algorithm_Old Kiwi]] from old kiwi. Transferred [[Feed Forward Back Propagation Algorithm_Old Kiwi]] from old kiwi
* 2008/03/22 -- Transferred contents of [[Genetic algorithm_Old Kiwi]] from old Kiwi. Transferred contents from [[ECE637:ECE637_Old Kiwi]] page of the old kiwi to the new one.
[[User:Slitkouh|Sahm Litkouhi]]
[[User:hu|Shuowen Hu]]
* 2008/03/17 -- Transferred comparison table and BPE figure from old kiwi into [[Comparison of MLE and Bayesian Parameter Estimation_Old Kiwi]] and changed formatting.  Transferred and formatted all of [[Lecture 8 - MLE, BPE and Linear Discriminant Functions_Old Kiwi|Lecture 8]] from old kiwi.
* 2008/04/20 -- Created Figure 5 in Lecture 25 illustrating natural clustering using the value of J.
* 2008/03/22 -- Transferred and formatted all of [[Lecture 12 - Support Vector Machine and Quadratic Optimization Problem_Old Kiwi|Lecture 12]] from old kiwi.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added Figure 6 in Lecture 25 showing that squared error criterion is good for compact clusters, but sensitive to outliers.
[[User:Sraghav|Saranya Raghavan]]
[[User:slitkouh|Sahm Litkouhi]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Updated [[Lecture 18 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics(Continued)_Old Kiwi]] notes: Changed formatting, and fixed errors in notes. Added Figures 1 and 2. Transferred [[Lecture 7 - MLE and BPE_Old Kiwi]] from Old Kiwi and fixed formulae/formatting.
* 2008/04/24 -- Added example and link to a paper I authored about 3 feature-based automotive [[Feature Extraction_Old Kiwi|lane recognition]].
* 2008/04/24 -- Moved [[Backpropagation Learning Algorithm_Old Kiwi]] from old Kiwi to new glossary.
* 2008/04/24 -- Added link to ROC curves in glossary. Moved [[Regularization_Old Kiwi]] from the old Kiwi into glossary, and added link from [[Overfitting_Old Kiwi]].
[[User:Hu|Shuowen Hu]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Created Figure 1 in Lecture 17: example of phi with triangle that shows the use of invariance coordinates to repeat (p1,...,pN). Transferred my Lecture 15 figures from old KIWI to new KIWI: specifically figure 1 and 2
[[User:Svenkata|Singanallur V Venkatakrishnan]]
[[User:sraghav|Saranya Raghavan]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Transferred [[K-means_Old Kiwi]] from old KIWI. Transferred [[LBG_Old Kiwi]] clustering from old KIWI. Added Cross Links from clustering page to the above two topics. Moved [[Comparison of MLE and Bayesian Parameter Estimation_Old Kiwi]].
* 2008/04/25 -- Added Figure 1 (Simple Clustering Example) and Figure 2 (Effect of Relative Scaling) to [[Clustering_Old Kiwi]] page, and provided a brief description of each figure in relation to the concepts being discussed.
* 2008/03/22 -- Transferred Lecture 14 from old KIWI. Converted all except one of the equations to the new kiwi's format. Copied only 1 image.[[Lecture 14 - ANNs, Non-parametric Density Estimation (Parzen Window) _Old Kiwi]]
[[User:srudolph|Stephen Rudolph]]
[[User:srudolph|Stephen Rudolph]]
* 2008/03/05 -- Added two publicly available data sets to [[Data Sources_Old Kiwi]]. Created [[Data Sources_Old Kiwi]] page.
* 2008/04/17 -- Moved new assignment information from lecture notes to dedicated [[Homework 3_Old Kiwi]] page and updated the information.
[[User:park200|Seong Jun Park]]
[[User:svenkata|Singanallur Venkatakrishnan]]
* 2008/03/17 -- modified some typo in Lecture 18 Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metric.
* 2008/04/20 -- [[Topological Sort and Strongly Connected Components_Old Kiwi]] page added in continuation to my earlier page on graph algos
* 2008/03/17 -- add new topic, the Tanomoto metric, in Lecture 17.
[[User:Tha|Thanh Huy Ha]]
[[User:tha|Thanh Huy Ha]]
* 2008/03/10 -- Created the page [Estimate density using histogram].
* 2008/04/25 -- Created the page [[Recommendations for nonlinear discrimination methods_Old Kiwi]].
[[User:tchen|Thomas Chen]]
[[User:tchen|Thomas Chen]]
* 2008/03/05 -- Moved lecture 1 and part of lecture 17 to the new system
* 2008/04/23 -- Created animated gif ECE662_lect27_smear.gif for lecture 27
* 2008/03/05 -- Added links to all current lecture notes to return to the main page to select another lecture.
* 2008/04/23 -- Added PDE's to the glossary
* 2008/03/20 -- Moved Lecture 12 to new system
* 2008/03/20 -- Searched all Lecture notes to find which pages were not transferred over and made comments on the main page
* 2008/03/20 -- Added links to all other lectures at the bottom of all the course lecture pages
[[User:chuangt|Tzu-Cheng Chuang]]
[[User:chuangt|Tzu-Cheng Chuang]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Moved [[Lecture_6_-_Discriminant_Functions_Old Kiwi| Lecture 6]] to the new system.
* 2008/04/17 -- Edited [[Lecture 26 - Statistical Clustering Methods_Old Kiwi| Lecture 26]] by adding figure 1 and figure 3.
* 2008/03/20 -- Moved [[Lecture_15_-_Parzen_Window_Method_Old Kiwi| Lecture 15]] to the new system.
* 2008/04/22 -- Edited [[Lecture_27_-_Clustering_by_finding_valleys_of_densities _Old Kiwi| Lecture 27]] by adding figure 1,2 and 3.
[[User:ynimmaga|Yamini Nimmagadda]]
[[User:ynimmaga|Yamini Nimmagadda]]
* 2008/03/07 -- Added the definiton of [[Minkowski Metric_Old Kiwi]] to [[Glossary_Old Kiwi]]. Added a reference to a website in [[References_Old Kiwi]] showing gait recognition based on gender, weight and emotion. Added the [[Implementation Issues_Old Kiwi]] regarding KNN and learning distance metric
* 2008/04/25 -- Added Links for papers and tutorials on k-means clustering in [[Publications_Old Kiwi]] section of [[References_Old Kiwi]].
* 2008/03/16 -- Transferred [[Applications of Pattern Recognition_Old Kiwi]] topic from old kiwi. Transferred [[Face detection vs Face recognition_Old Kiwi]] topic from old kiwi. Transferred [[Implementation Issues_Old Kiwi]] topic from old kiwi
* 2008/04/25 -- Added [[Neural Networks using Genetic Algorithms_Old Kiwi]]
* 2008/03/19 -- Transferred [[Lecture 9 - Linear Discriminant Functions_Old Kiwi]] topic from old kiwi.
* 2008/03/19 -- Created links to [[Homework Resources_Old Kiwi]] and transferred the [[C/C++ resources_Old Kiwi]], [[Matlab resources_Old Kiwi]] and [[Scilab - resources related to Scilab_Old Kiwi]] from the old kiwi
[[User:su0|Yun-Ting Su]]
[[User:su0|Yun-Ting Su]]
* 2008/03/16 -- Created Figure 1b in [[Lecture 18 - Nearest Neighbors Clarification Rule and Metrics(Continued)_Old Kiwi]] a more accurate illustration of tessalation for nearest neighbor rule in R2. Transferred my Lecture 16 figure and some notes from old KIWI to new KIWI: Useful Parzen Window <math>\in \mathbb{R}^n</math>. Transferred my Lecture 12 note and figure from old KIWI to new KIWI illustration the definition of Support Vector Machine.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added Figure 3 in [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi]] illustrating how projections effect the result of clustering.
* 2008/04/20 -- Added Figure 4 in [[Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi]] illustrating the algorithm for clustering from feature vectors.

Latest revision as of 12:21, 28 April 2008

Page Formatting

Please keep your changes logged under your name in chronological order (most recent change appended to the bottom of your list). If your name is not included yet, please include it, retaining the alphabetization of the users by name. Entries are sorted by first names alphabetically.

Also take a look at the "changes" and locate your changes when you put them up

To aid the grader, please try to be as exact as possible' in your description. Number your figures and equations and specify those in your ChangeLog entry. Also give a hyperlink to the page(s) you edited.


Bunyamin Sisman

The ChangeLog

KyoHyouk Kim

  • 2008/04/25 -- Addeda pattern recognition application field in remote sensing

Ashish Kamra

Bunyamin Sisman

  • 2008/04/24 -- Added a page with some figures for Mixture Models to Glossary

Dalton Lunga

Elvin Bernard

Gaurav Srivastava

  • 2008/04/18 -- This posting is for week 14. Previous posting is for week 13. Added a new page giving a simple definition and illustrative example of Minimum Description Length (MDL_Old Kiwi) principle. Click here -->> MDL_Old Kiwi

Jinyoung Kim

Josiah Yoder

Jungtag Gong

  • 2008/04/20 -- Linked the website of a tutorial on clustering and K-mean, Fuzzy C-means, Hierarchical clustering and clustering as mixture of gaussian methods at the clustering in the Glossary_Old Kiwi.

Kihwan Han

Kaki Ng

  • 2008/04/21 -- Added a reference library for tools

Landis Huffman

  • 2008/04/17 -- Created a page for Lecture_26_-_Statistical_Clustering_Methods_Old Kiwi and wrote a small description of Prof. Bouman's cluster software. I modified the diagram from the software manual to match the corrected version presented in class. I have included this diagram, a link to the cluster homepage, and a short writeup in the Lecture 26 notes.
  • 2008/04/25 -- Created diagrams for Lecture_28_-_Final_lecture_Old Kiwi showing the dromadaire turning into a chamaeu. If I knew how, I would have mediaWiki resize these images. Ugh!

Leonardo Bachega

Madhur Gupta

  • 2008/04/16 -- Added the set of lecture notes for Lecture 25 - Clustering Algorithms_Old Kiwi under the section "Clustering Methods - A summary". This includes a table for summary of Clustering methods titled "Figure 1". It also includes some text explaining defect in these methods and motivation for feature vector-based methods, which involve projection to lower dimensions. I do not provide the illustrating figures for the text, but I annotate for the same at two places.
  • 2008/04/22 -- Added lecture notes for Lecture 27 - Clustering by finding valleys of densities_Old Kiwi on the first two sections namely " Clustering by finding valleys of densities" and " Graph based implementation". I did not contribute any figure, but annotate a place where it may be inserted.

Marc Bosch

Neil Bedwell

Qian Xia

Rahul Srinivasa Raghavan

Seong Jun Park

  • 2008/04/21 -- Added and modified the square error in Lecture 26 Statistical clustering methods.
  • 2008/04/21 -- Added an image about Defining Distances Between Clusters in Lecture 24.
  • 2008/04/26 -- Added two images about of Valley Seeking, and modified an equation to be wrong in Lecture 27.
  • 2008/04/26 -- Added part of an equation and bayes error rate graph for Nearest Neighbor in Lecture 19.

Shuowen Hu

  • 2008/04/20 -- Created Figure 5 in Lecture 25 illustrating natural clustering using the value of J.
  • 2008/04/20 -- Added Figure 6 in Lecture 25 showing that squared error criterion is good for compact clusters, but sensitive to outliers.

Sahm Litkouhi

Saranya Raghavan

  • 2008/04/25 -- Added Figure 1 (Simple Clustering Example) and Figure 2 (Effect of Relative Scaling) to Clustering_Old Kiwi page, and provided a brief description of each figure in relation to the concepts being discussed.

Stephen Rudolph

  • 2008/04/17 -- Moved new assignment information from lecture notes to dedicated Homework 3_Old Kiwi page and updated the information.

Singanallur Venkatakrishnan

Thanh Huy Ha

Thomas Chen

  • 2008/04/23 -- Created animated gif ECE662_lect27_smear.gif for lecture 27
  • 2008/04/23 -- Added PDE's to the glossary

Tzu-Cheng Chuang

  • 2008/04/17 -- Edited Lecture 26 by adding figure 1 and figure 3.
  • 2008/04/22 -- Edited Lecture 27 by adding figure 1,2 and 3.

Yamini Nimmagadda

Yun-Ting Su

Alumni Liaison

Recent Math PhD now doing a post-doctorate at UC Riverside.

Kuei-Nuan Lin