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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
17:12, 13 March 2013 CoordinateSystems.jpg (file) 18 KB Kcooley Cylindrical coordinate system with unit vectors 2
16:49, 13 March 2013 Ethetahat.jpg (file) 49 KB Kcooley The circumferential unit vector field 1
16:48, 13 March 2013 Erhat.jpg (file) 44 KB Kcooley Radial unit vector field 1
15:15, 11 March 2013 MyCylSmall.jpg (file) 12 KB Kcooley A result of one of my projects. 1

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett