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Sound files

Here is the song backwards: Backwards

Here is the song backwards and slowed down: Backwards and Slowed


% Virgil Hsieh
% Homework 1.2: Judas Priest song backwards and slowed down.

% The following two lines clears the screen and all variables
clear all

[arraysound, sample, bitsize] = wavread ('jpforward.wav');

% Reverses the array
for walker = 1 : length (arraysound)
    backwards (length (arraysound) - (walker - 1)) = arraysound (walker);

% This plays it backwards
 wavplay (backwards, 44100)

% Makes a wav file for the backwards version
wavwrite (backwards, 44100, 'Backwards44.wav');

% I slowed it down for you, so that you would know that I know how to do it
% =)
 wavplay (backwards, 22050)
wavwrite (backwards, 22050, 'Backwards22.wav');

Alumni Liaison

Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010