Revision as of 16:36, 4 September 2008 by Jkubasci (Talk)

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a) Playing the file forward, the words are "beyond the realms of death."

Sound Files

This is the sound clip reversed with MATLAB:

This is the reversed clip played at half rate:

b) After examining the sound clip reversed, both at normal and half rates, it was determined that a subliminal message exists. The subliminal message was determined to be "this life is mine".



% Reverse wav file and slow down
% Written by: Jeff Kubascik

% Read the sound file
[sound, fs, nbit] = wavread('Jpforward.wav');

% Reverse the sound file
reverse = flipud(sound);

% Write the reversed sound to a file
wavwrite(reverse, fs, 'Jpreverse.wav');

% Write the reversed sound at half rate
wavwrite(reverse, fs/2, 'Jpreverseslow.wav');

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang