Revision as of 20:05, 2 December 2018 by Kmada (Talk | contribs)


The aim of this project is to explain what Modulation and Demodulation are and to show how a signal can be both modulated and demodulated using different methods. I will also attempt to show how these methods are used in real world scenarios


This is the process of varying the properties of a specific waveform, also called the carrier signal, using a modulating signal that contains information that is trying to be transmitted. This allows for the signal to be transmitted over an electronic medium. In the real world modulation is used to send radio signals and other TV signals as well.


This is the process of extracting the original information out from the modulated signal.


Exponential Carrier


Cosine Carrier

Pulse-Train Carrier

Alumni Liaison

Questions/answers with a recent ECE grad

Ryne Rayburn