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ECE Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

Power and Energy Devices and Systems (PE)

Question Set 1: Energy Conversion and Reference Frame Theory

August 2012

Problem 1

Problem 1 Text


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Problem 2

Problem 2 Text


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Problem 3

Problem 3 Text


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Trigonometric Identities

  • $ \cos A \cos B = 0.5\left(\cos(A + B) + \cos(A - B)\right) $
  • $ \sin A \sin B = 0.5\left(\cos(A - B) - \cos(A + B)\right) $
  • $ \sin A \cos B = 0.5\left(\sin(A + B) + \sin(A - B)\right) $
  • $ \cos(A \pm B) = \cos A \cos B \mp \sin A \sin B $
  • $ \sin(A \pm B) = \sin A \cos B \pm \cos A \sin B $

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Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett