Instruction for Peer Review of Mini Project 1, ECE662, Spring 2016
Hard copy of review due in class Friday February 26, 2016. Earlier submissions are welcome!
Part 1
Provide detailed comments on the problem addressed, experiments, conclusions, and report.
- Summarize what was done and how it was done.
- Comment on the "good" things in the report
- Comment on what could be improved, and how to improve it. (Phrase things nicely. Be diplomatic!)
- Staple your review on top of the hard copy of the mini-project and hand in both together to your instructor or TA.
Part 2
Assign a grade out of 100 points and write this grade on the top line of the comment box. Your points should be divided as follows.
35 Points: Problem definition and statement
Is the problem/question investigated concerned with a relevant aspect of "classification assuming normally distributed features"? Is the problem/question addressed clearly stated? Is the problem/question investigated interesting and extensive enough. (If the writing is so poor that you have no idea what was done, feel free to take off a large number of points, or even all 35 points.
35 Points: Experiments
Are the experiments relevant to the problem investigated? Are there enough experiments (to investigate the problem and be able to conclude)? Are the axes of all graphs and plots clearly labeled? Do all graphs and plots have a title? (If the writing is so poor that you have no idea what was done, feel free to take off a large number of points, or even all 35 points.)
20 Points: Conclusions
Are the conclusions clearly stated? Are the conclusions supported by the experiments? Are the conclusions interesting? Note that a negative conclusion, such as "this does not work", can still be interesting. (If the writing is so poor that you have no idea what was done, feel free to take off a large number of points, or even all 20 points.)
10 points: Presentation
Feel free to write your questions and comments below.
- Write a question here.
- Answer here