Revision as of 13:35, 4 September 2008 by Nkgentry (Talk)

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Tune played at normal speed/pitch

Tune played @ 2X Speed

Tune played at higher pitch



%The frequencies (Hz) shown below were found on the NYU CS website:

C = 262; CSharp = 227; D = 294; DSharp = 311; E = 330; 
F = 349; FSharp = 370; G = 392; GSharp = 415; A = 440;
ASharp = 466; B = 494;

%Note Lengths defined below:
QTR = 0.25; HLF = 0.50; ETH = 0.125;

%This is the array that makes up the notes played in the song:

noteOrder = [DSharp, F, G, GSharp, ASharp, C, C, 
             CSharp, CSharp, CSharp, GSharp, ASharp, 
             ASharp, C, C, C, ASharp, GSharp, ASharp, 
             C, C, ASharp, F, G, GSharp, G, F ,ASharp, ASharp];

noteLength = [HLF, QTR, QTR, QTR, ETH, QTR, QTR, QTR, 
              ETH, ETH, QTR, ETH, ETH, HLF, QTR, HLF, 
              QTR, QTR, ETH, QTR, QTR, QTR, ETH, ETH, 
              QTR, ETH, ETH, HLF, QTR];

numNotes = 29; %Number of notes to be played

delta = 0.00005; %Sampling Rate
x = 1; %Counter Value
count1 = 1; %Used as counter for while loop.


while x<= numNotes;
    t1 = 0:delta:noteLength(x);     %Helps scale the length of notes
    p1 = sin(2*pi*noteOrder(x)*t1); %Sound function
    count2 = 1; %While loop counter
    while count2<length(p1);  %Builds the array.
        writeArray1(count1) = p1(count2);
        count1 = count1 + 1;
        count2 = count2 + 1;
    x = x + 1; %Increments the loop counter
sound(writeArray1, 1/delta); %Plays sound file

x = 1; %Counter Value
count1 = 1; %Reinitializes the counter


while x<= numNotes;
    t2 = 0:delta:0.5*noteLength(x);  %Helps scale the length of notes
    p2 = sin(2*pi*noteOrder(x)*t2);  %Sound function
    count2 = 1;
    while count2<length(p2); %Builds the array
        writeArray2(count1) = p2(count2);
        count1 = count1 + 1;
        count2 = count2 + 1;
    x = x + 1;  %Increments the loop counter
sound(writeArray2, 1/delta); %Plays the sound file

x = 1; %Counter Value
count1 = 1; %Reinitializes the counter


while x<= numNotes;
    t3 = 0:delta:noteLength(x);       %Helps scale the length of notes
    p3 = sin(2*pi*noteOrder(x)*2*t3); %Sound Function
    count2 = 1;
    while count2<length(p3); %Builds the array
        writeArray3(count1) = p3(count2);
        count1 = count1 + 1;
        count2 = count2 + 1;
    x = x + 1; %Increments the loop counter
sound(writeArray3, 1/delta);  %Plays the sounds file

%Below are the matlab commands used to write the sound files to 3 separate
%files.  The files will be written to the same director as this ".m" file.


This part of the HW was a lot of fun. I had no idea that Matlab could generate sound files. The project wasn't too hard, but it seemed to take a long time. It was a great "hands on" application of the material we've been learning in class.

Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett