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Introduction to Galois Fields for AES

A slecture by student Katie Marsh

Based on the Cryptography lecture material of Prof. Paar.

Link to video on youtube

Accompanying Notes

Finite Field/Galois Field: a finite set together with operations + and * with the following properties:

1. The set forms an additive group with neutral element 0

2. The set without 0 forms a multiplicative group with neutral element 1

3. The distributive law $ a(b+c)= (ab)+(ac) $

A finite field exist if and only if it has size $ p^m $ where $ p $is prime and $ m \in \N $

This is to say, there exist a Galois field with 11 elements (11 is prime, m=1) called $ GF(11) $ but you can not construct a Galois field with 12 elements.

Questions and comments

If you have any questions, comments, etc. please post them here.

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