Playing a Judas Priest Song - The Code
%Zachary Curosh %ECE 301 - Homework 1.2 %9/5/2008 clear; clc; %First use the wavread command to get the data, sample rate, and bits per %sample of the judas priest file. [data,sample_rate,bits]=wavread('jpforward.wav'); %Next, play the original file normally wavplay(data,sample_rate) %Then we have to reverse the song using the command fliplr data_rev=flipud(data); %Next we have to play the reversed song wavplay(data_rev,sample_rate) %Then, to play the song slower, simply multiply the sample rate by a %fraction. Here, I will use 1/2 the rate. wavplay(data_rev,sample_rate*0.5) %Lastly, I will write the backwards song using the wavwrite command wavwrite(data_rev,44100,'Backwards_at_RegularSpeed'); wavwrite(data_rev,22050,'Backwards_at_slowSpeed');
Hidden Message
From listening to the song backwards both at normal and a slowed speed, there are definitely words being sung. However, they are extremely difficult to make out. I believe he said something like, "I gotta go.", but I definitely might be wrong. From hearing this I do not believe that there is a backward message in this Judas Priest song.