Revision as of 20:26, 3 September 2008 by Bchanyas (Talk)

Matlab File

%Bavorndej Chanyasak
%ECE 301 hw 1.2
%read and play the extract
data = wavread('jpforward.wav');
wavplay(data, 44100);
%reverse the 'data' of the extract
reversed = flipud(data);
%put the new data into a file
wavwrite(reversed, 44100, 32, 'jpbackward.wav');
%read and play the new file
reversed_data = wavread('jpbackward.wav');
wavplay(reversed_data, 44100);
%play the new file, but with half the speed
wavplay(reversed_data, 0.5*44100);

Alumni Liaison

EISL lab graduate

Mu Qiao