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Assignment 1, ECE400, Fall 2014


due in class, September 18, 2014. Note the two steps of the submission process:

  1. Hand in an electronic copy on Blackboard Learn (via safeAssign).
  2. Hand in a hard copy to your instructor in class.


For this assignment, write a paper answering the following questions. You may want to refer to the definition of academic dishonesty found in the brochure “Academic Integrity: A Guide for Students,” found at the website .

  • Are some types of cheating (for example, copying a friend’s homework, cheating on an in-class test, using sources without citing them, etc.) more wrong than others?
  • How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?
  • If you are aware of such forms of cheating, what should you do?
  • Finally, some research shows that engineering students cheat more than students in other disciplines—why do you think this is true?


Your paper should be one single-spaced page and adhere to the following format. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs using 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Grading Criteria

Your assignment will be graded out of 100 points; see the Writing Rubric for the grading key. If you need help, you may contact Joanne Lax or the Writing Lab (494-3723; 226 Heavilon Hall).

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