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Understanding Academic Honesty is the First Step

To whom it may concern,

My college career has been filled with big ten football games , final exams, all-nighters, and coffee. Even though the stress can be overwhelming, the experience that you get here at Purdue will travel with you wherever you go. However, between all the things that you can take away from Purdue, one thing remains a common denominator for first year students and seniors. That common denominator is ethics. As a first year student, the college transition can be very daunting. The combination of moving, stress, and other major life changes can intimidate a new student. During this transition, students often overlook many things, forgotten items for their dorm room, forgetting to contact family during the first few weeks, and many others. However, one of the most skipped over items tends to the be the Academic Integrity information provided by Purdue. The topic of ethics alone is a broad subject that encompasses many morally grey subjects, and students who break the rules of academic honesty may not even recognize that they are doing so. The first step to understanding ethics, not only at purdue, but also in industry, begins at the collegiate level. First begin by reading Purdue’s Academic Integrity clause. Secondly, once you have finished reading, go over the tips to avoid claims of dishonesty. Although many students think they understand all the rules, it is always good to follow the motto ‘better safe than sorry’. Finally, if you do ever find yourself in a position where you suspect academic dishonesty is occurring, the Office of Dean of Students offers guidance for students. Academics at Purdue are known across the globe and part of that is contributed by the standards that Purdue holds to its students. New students to purdue often get caught in new web of responsibilities that can at times be overwhelming for a young adult. However, I urge new students to manage their time and leverage their skills gained at Purdue for the professional environment. This includes fully understanding their academic rights and Purdue’s Academic Integrity clause. By understanding basic ethics involving academics, students at Purdue can begin building their knowledge of ethics for professional development.

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