Practice Problems for Digital Signal Processing (e.g., ECE438)
- Basic material and review
- Summation exercises
- CTFT exercises
- DTFT exercise
- Sampling and Nyquist Rate
- Z-transform and inverse z-transform
- Spectral Analysis of continuous-space (2D) signals
- Spectral Analysis of discrete-space (2D) signals
- Filter design
More Practice Problems on Digital Signal Processing (with solutions)
- Z transform
- Interpolation(up-sampling) and Decimation(down-sampling)
- DFT and FFT
- LTI system
- LTI system and filter design
- Properties of LTI system
- Describe a LTI system using Difference equation, transfer function and impulse response
- Periodic Convolution
- DFT and Periodic Convolution
- 2D system
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