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Practice Problem: PDF for a linear function of a random variable

Let X be a continuous random variable with pdf $ f_X(x) $. Let $ Y=aX+b $ for some real valued constants a,b, with $ a\neq 0 $. What is the pdf of the random variable Y?

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Answer 1

$ f_{Y}(y)= af_{X}(x)+b $

Unfortunately, this answer is incorrect. Please try again. This problem is important to help you relate CDF to pdf. Please make sure you understand this well.
You can start with the definition of CDF with respect to Y, i.e,
$ F_{Y}(y)= P({Y \leq y}) = P({aX+b \leq y})=... $.
Use derivative to get pdf of Y since you have CDF of Y.
make sure to compare two cases for a>0 and a<0.

Answer 2

$ F_{Y}(y)= P({Y \leq y}) $.We can define an event $ \left\{ \right. $

Answer 3

Write it here.

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Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett