Revision as of 04:43, 13 July 2012 by Mboutin (Talk | contribs)

MA265: Linear Algebra

Sections X and Y, Fall 2012, Prof. Alvarado


  • Write a message here


  • link to hw 1, link to discussion page

Your Turn! A bonus point opportunity

You have the opportunity to earn bonus points by contributing a Rhea page on a subject related to linear algebra. To pick a subject, simply write your name next to it. Please no more than one student per subject. Please do not simply copy the lecture notes and do not plagiarize. Read Rhea's copyright policy before proceeding.

Topic Number Topic Description Student Name Deadline
1 Matrix Multiplication and coordinate systems Your Name Here At Final
2 The inverse of a matrix Your Name Here At Final
3 The determinant Your Name Here At Final
4 Linear dependence Your Name Here At Final
5 Linear algebra in engineering Your Name Here At Final

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