Revision as of 04:02, 11 July 2012 by Rhea (Talk | contribs)

Lecture 12, ECE264, Spring 2012, Prof. Lu

Notes for Lecture 12 - John Ribeiro

for ( direction = 0 ; direction < 4 ; direction ) {

 if ( can move forward )
   go forward
 // Book keeping so you know where you are


 go backward

/* When all four direction have led to a dead end */

Above is a sample template in order to solve ipa1-2.

  • Compiler copies attribute by attribute *

Construct Frame:

c 11 b 6 a 3 value address return address

Main Frame:

v1.z = 200 + sizeof ( int ) * 2 11 v1.y = 200 + sizeof ( int ) * 1 6 v1.x = 200 3

Copy the values => *C has only pass by value / call by value

                  *C does not have call by reference

For ipa1-2

- Read the maze and store it in memory - Find where you can move to - Move to the place and mark your earlier location as invalid so you do no return - Keep moving until reaching the exit

Create maze structure containing the following

- Current Row/Col - Start Row/Col - Exit Row/Col - char ** maze

if ( currentRow == exitRow && exitCol = currentCol ) (



  • Structure's name NOUN w/ Capital Letter
  • Function VERB w/ lower case letter


- Cluster related data into an "object" - Better organization and easier to understand - Easier to make changes.

 * Can be changed fro new features, bug fixes, better algorithms

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Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010