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Table of Content

Rhea has many facets, and a single page is certainly not enough to describe them all. But since everybody is busy, here is a quick summary.

Cool Software, Programs, and initiatives

Student Contributed Learning Material

One of the core functions of Rhea is to enable students to create and share learning material with other students (and the rest of the world!). There are many different types of learning material, such as:

  • Collective tables of formulas: A large table of formulas, with cross-links to relevant Rhea pages, compiled by students and used in many courses around campus.
  • Collective Problem Solving: sharing solutions on a common page and giving each other feedback is a great way to help each other learn!
  • Bonus point student projects: a great way for instructors to encourage their students to do more, and for departments to scout for hidden talent among their students!
  • Lecture Notes: taken by students and neatly typed.
  • Student-led Recitations Notes
  • How to's: detailed instructions written by students who learned it the hard way and want to share their newly gained knowledge with the rest of the world.

Here are a few notable pages created by students:

Learn How to Use Rhea


Many classes on campus use Rhea to host their course wiki. Here are a few examples:

You can find a list of all course wikis organized by year and semester here.

Solved problems and Collective Problem Solving

Learn what collectve problem solving is on this page. Below are a few examples of collectively solved problems:

Rhea also contains pages where topic specific solved problems (most by students) are listed, such as Instructors: increase the effectiveness of your teaching by discussing problem solutions online with your students. Keep these discussions for future reference and cross-posting. Here are some examples:

Click to get a list of all problem solution pages featured on Rhea.

Virtual Poster Sessions

Increase the impact of your posters by creating a virtual poster session on Rhea. It's quick and easy if you already have a pdf file for your posters!

Group Pages

Student groups, special projects, and researh groups can create a Rhea page to coordinate the activities of the group, facilitate communications, and reach out to the Purdue community and beyond. Here are some group pages:

Collectively Created Presentations

With Rhea's wiki, you can work as a group to create a presentation. It is easy to add pictures, videos and hyperlinks, and you can make use of existing Rhea pages to enrich your presentation. When it's time to present, simply open your favorite web browser and present directly from the Rhea website. Here is an example:

Discussion Topics

About Rhea and Rhea's software

Useful Categories


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Alumni Liaison

Basic linear algebra uncovers and clarifies very important geometry and algebra.

Dr. Paul Garrett