Shiyu Wang Lec25 April 14th
Exam average is around 5-6
for text file
for binary file
fread(&val, sizeof(int), 1, filename)
Kevin Tan(0023987592), section#2 notes 04/12
EXAM Q2 Thing thing_construct(int w,char *l) {
Thing t; t.label = strdup(1); t.weight = w; return t;
Thing Thing_copy(Thing p) {
return thing_construct(P.weight,P.label)
void Thing_merge(Thing *dst,Thing src) {
char *l; dst->weight = src.weight; char *l1 = dst->label; char *l2= src.label; l= malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(l1)+strlen(l2)+1)); strcpy(l,l1); strcpy(l,l2); free(dat->label); dst->label = 1;
void Thing_destory(Thing p) {
void Thing_print(Thing p) {
printf("weight = %d, label = %s\n",p.weight,p.label);
Hanye Xu April 17
For exam2
fscanf(filename,"%d",&val) fread(&val, sizeof(int), 1, filename)
for the first Question
For the Q2:
void Thing_merge(Thing *dst,Thing src) {
char *l; dst->weight = src.weight; char *l1 = dst->label; char *l2= src.label; l= malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(l1)+strlen(l2)+1)); strcpy(l,l1); strcpy(l,l2); free(dat->label); dst->label = 1;
April 19th, Wudi Zhou, Prof. Lu's section
textfile = fopen(argc[1],"r"); while(fscanf(textfile,"%d",&temp) != EOF) { sum = sum + temp; } binarayfile = fopen(argv[2],"rb"); while(fread(&temp,sizeof(int),1,binaryfile) != 0) { sum = sum + temp; }
output = fopen(argv[3],"w"); fpeintf(output,"%d\n",sum);
Thing Thing_construct(int w, char * l) { Thing thing; thing.label = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(l) + 1)); thing.weight = w; strcpy(thing.label,l); return thing; }
Thing Thing_copy(Thing p) { Thing copy; copy = Thing_construct(p.weight,p.label); return copy; }
void Thing_merge(THing *dst, Thing src) { dsr -> weight = dst-> weight + src.weight; char * p = dst->label; dst->label = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(dst->label) + 1 + strlen(src.label)); strcpy(dst->label,p); free(p); dst -> label = srecat(dst -> label,src.label);
return; }