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Case 1: Visit to PUSH

Class Absence Excuse Discussion, ECE400, Spring 2012

A student misses one lecture. He asks that his absence be excused because he had to go to the Purdue University Student Health Center (PUSH) for health reasons. He shows you a piece of paper stating he did indeed visit PUSH on the date where he missed class (no time given), but the paper contains no detail about the nature of the visit.

  • Shicheng Guo, Response.
    • In this situation, I would have the student go back and have the employees at PUSH modify the slip to include the time. I don't particularly care for the reason which they visited PUSH, as the student may have a condition that they wish to keep private, so I don't think that needs to be included. As long as they can prove that they were actually at PUSH at the right time, I don't think anything else matters.
      • Unfortunately, PUSH will not provide a time for the student's visit. All they will give is that little slip of paper, with the date and student name. -pm
      • I could have sworn that they included the time of visit on the little slip of paper?
  • Artyom Melanich, Response.
    • To avoid this kind of situation in the future I would announce beforehand in the course policy that you would expect student to bring a proof of the visit to a doctor with a date and time on it, so it will filter out such students who use this excuse frequently and know all the details how to get a paper. However, if it still happens, I would ask a student to try to get a date, and if student shows some effors of actually doing that he would try to get a time of the visit. Anyways, I think that you need to trust a student no matter how he deals in this situation even if you see that he is trying to lie because he has a valid proof. Finally, what goes around comes around.
  • Cody Cusic, Response
    • The student should go back to PUSH and talk to the doctor they had the appointment with and have them put the time down that they visited. If they really visited at that time then the doctor should have no problem writing it down. It's very possible that they just photocopied the paper from PUSH, and used it for all of the classes on that day, instead of just the times that they missed.
  • Seth Strege, Response
    • I would classify going to PUSH as a valid excuse for missing class. In order to make sure that this excuse is valid it should be required that the student bring in some type of documentation from PUSH with an original signature. The signature could be from a doctor, nurse, or some other official from PUSH.

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