Revision as of 05:39, 28 August 2008 by Dimberti (Talk)

I did the first one by contradiction and a lot of cases.

$ Given A, B \neq \varnothing \subseteq \mathbf{R}, A+B = \{ a+b \vert a \in A, b \ in B \}, and I'll let \alpha = \sup A, \beta = \sup B $

$ WTS: \sup(A+B) = \alpha + \beta $

$ First of all, by the lub property of \mathbf{R} we know that these exist. $

$ Now we show that \alpha + \beta is an upper bound of A+B by contradiction. Thus \exist a,b \in A,B \ni a+b > \alpha + \beta $

$ (\alpha - a) + (\beta - b) < 0 $

$ WLOG assume (\alpha - a) < 0, then \exists a \in A \ni a > \alpha, but \alpha = \sup A, contradiction. $

$ \therefore \alpha + \beta is an upper bound of A+B $

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Sees the importance of signal filtering in medical imaging

Dhruv Lamba, BSEE2010