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Structs(Sample Code):

  1. ifndef MAZE_H
  2. define MAZE_H
  3. include <stdio.h>

typedef struct { int startRow,startCol; int exitRow, exitCol; int numRow,numCol;

int** cells; }Maze;

Maze Maze_construct(char* frame); void Maze_traverse(Maze m); void Maze_destruct(Maze m);

  1. endif

In "maze.c":


  1. include "maze.h"
  2. include <stdio.h>

Maze Maze_contruct(char* fname) { FIEL* fMaze; fMaze = fopen(fname); if(fMaze ==0) { //error } while(!feof(fMaze)) { //stuff } }

  1. include <stdio.h> main.c
  2. include "maze.h"

int main() { Maze m; if(argc<2) { //error } m = Mazeconstruct(argv[1]); Maze_traverse(m) Maze_destruct(m) return 0; }

gcc -c maze.c need malloc gcc maze.o main.o -o implicitly link c library

m.cells = malloc (sizeof(char*) * numRow); for

How to define the Struct:

typedef struct { int x; int y; int z; }Vector;

Vector Vector_construct(int a int b int c); Vector Vector_add(vector v1 vector v2);

Vector Vector_construct(int a, int b, int c) Pbecor v;

Commands needed in Makefile or just in terminal to properly compile.

gcc -c main.c gcc -c maze.c gcc main.o maze.o -o ipa1 ./ipa1 maze1 <-- means the current folder's ipa1 file. current directory make file for each directory makeclean

Alumni Liaison

Ph.D. 2007, working on developing cool imaging technologies for digital cameras, camera phones, and video surveillance cameras.

Buyue Zhang