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CHANGE TITLE Connection Time-out/DNS Lookup Failure Bounty Awarded to Sangchun Han

We are pleased to announce that the


$300 Rhea software bounty for solving our Connection Time-out/DNS Lookup Failure problem has been awarded to ECE senior Mike Wolfer. Congratulations Mike! Funding for this award was provided by the Motorola Foundation.

Sangchun Han.png

Q/A to Sangchun Han

Question: Tell us a bit about yourself.

Question:" What kind of background do you have that made you the right person to solve this challenge?

I have my own Java library. In fact, the initial version of the library was written when I had to implement and modify Fountain Codes three years ago while earning master degree in South Korea. I am not a professional programmer. I just program because it is required to write papers. The good news is that I enjoy programming.

Currently, I interested in the social networks. I thought that Rhea is a good solid data to find out the characteristics of the social networks on the Web. In fact, I can notice that the author network of Rhea is a small-world network and there exist several influential authors.

Question:" Did the course you took in ECE help you prepare for this challenge?

Question:" When are you graduating and what do you plan to do when you graduate?

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has a message for current ECE438 students.

Sean Hu, ECE PhD 2009