% Author: Matt Mabry
% Class: ECE 301
% Assignment: HW 1
% Date: January 19, 2011
% Part 1
% Description: Play the melody "Smoke on the Water" in three ways. One: in
% the original tune. Two: twice as fast. Three: Rescale the tune
clear all;
bps = 112/60; %beats per second
bt = bps^(-1); %time length of each beat
delt = 5e-5; %Time span between each beat
% Part a: "Smoke on the Water" in normal speed
% Notes in "Smoke on the Water"
half = 0:delt:(bt*2);
quarter = 0:delt:bt;
dotquarter = 0:delt:(bt*3/2);
eighth = 0:delt:(bt/2);
%Note Used
hc = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half);
dqc = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*dotquarter);
hg = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);
qg = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter);
qbf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter);
edf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth);
% Construction of Normal Song
Smoke = [qg,qbf,dqc,qg,qbf,edf,hc,qg,qbf,dqc,qbf,qg];
wavwrite(Smoke, 1/delt, 32, 'Smoke_normal.wav');
% Part b: "Smoke on the Water" in faster speed
% Notes in "Smoke on the Water"
half = 0:delt:bt;
quarter = 0:delt:(bt/2);
dotquarter = 0:delt:(bt*3/4);
eighth = 0:delt:(bt/4);
%Note Used
hc = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half);
dqc = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*dotquarter);
hg = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);
qg = sin(2*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter);
qbf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter);
edf = sin(2*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth);
% Construction of Faster Song
Smoke_Fast = [qg,qbf,dqc,qg,qbf,edf,hc,qg,qbf,dqc,qbf,qg];
wavwrite(Smoke_Fast, 1/delt, 32, 'Smoke_faster.wav');
% Part c: "Smoke on the Water" transformation to higher pitch
% Notes in "Smoke on the Water"
half = 0:delt:(bt*2);
quarter = 0:delt:bt;
dotquarter = 0:delt:(bt*3/2);
eighth = 0:delt:(bt/2);
%Note Used
hc = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*half);
dqc = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/4)*440)*dotquarter);
hg = sin(4*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*half);
qg = sin(4*pi*(2^(-1/6)*440)*quarter);
qbf = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/12)*440)*quarter);
edf = sin(4*pi*(2^(1/3)*440)*eighth);
% Construction of Transformed Song
Smoke_Pitch = [qg,qbf,dqc,qg,qbf,edf,hc,qg,qbf,dqc,qbf,qg];
wavwrite(Smoke_Pitch, 1/delt, 32, 'Smoke_transformation.wav');
% Part 2
% Description: Reverse the Beatles song Number 9 and decode 'hidden
% message'
[song, fs, bits] = wavread('Beatles.wav');
sound(song, fs, bits)
%When played normally, it repeats the saying 'number 9'
%Now I reverse the sound
reverse = flipud(song);
sound(song, fs, bits)
% To me it sounds like gibberish, but it is notoriously known for saying
% "turn me on dead man"
I wanted to attach my files, but I do not know how. I posted a link in the questions forum, so hopefully someone can help me out.