Lecture 1 Blog, ECE301 Fall 2010, Prof. Boutin
Monday January 10, 2011 (Week 1) - See Course Schedule.
In the first lecture, we will cover the syllabus and give a short introduction to Rhea. In particular, we will visit the ECE301 Peer legacy page and the Collective Table of Formulas . We will then proceed with the course introduction where an example of a CT signal and system will be given, along with an example of a DT signal and system.
The main goal of this lecture is to clarify the course policies and get everybody excited about signals and systems!
Action items before the next lecture:
- Read sections 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 in the textbook.
- Solve the following complex numbers problems. (This should be very quick!)
Relevant Rhea Pages
- Complex numbers identities and formulas from the Collective Table of Formulas
- A hub page about Complex numbers
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Next: Lecture 2