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ECE General Knowledge


1. Electrical Charge : – a property of subatomic particles that determines a particle’s electromagnetic interaction; measured in SI units Coulombs (C)

           Elementary charge e = 1.602*10-19 C
           Charge of electron –e = -1.602*10-19 C
           Charge of proton e = +1.602*10-19 C

2. Current :– rate of flow of charges through a fictitious boundary

3. Voltage : – difference in electrical potential; measured in volts

Basic Passive Electrical Properties and Components:

1. Resistance: – a measure of an object’s opposition to the passage of electrical current; measured in SI unit ohm (Ω)

          Resistor: – a two-terminal electrical component that resist the flow of charge
          Symbol: ECEResistor.jpg

2. Capacitance: – a measure of an object’s ability to hold charge

          Capacitor:— an electrical component consisting of a pair of conductors separated by a dielectric; measured in SI unit farad (F)
          Symbol: ECECapacitor.jpg

3. Inductance:— a property of an electrical component through which a current induces an electromotive force (EMF) opposing the change in current

          Inductor— an electrical component that establishes inductance; measured in SI unit henry (H)
          Symbol: ECEInductor.jpg

1. Qi, Minghao (2007, Fall) ECE 201 Notes

   Retrieved March 18,2010 from 

2. Inductance. (n.d.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 18, 2010 from


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EISL lab graduate

Mu Qiao