Revision as of 09:16, 6 October 2010 by Jjhaver (Talk | contribs)

Janam Jhaveri


  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering
  • Minor in Physics


  • I am a member of the Strachan Research Group in the department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • I look at physical properties of nanoscale devices and materials using computational nanotechnology
  • I actively develop simulation tools on to make nanotechnology more accessible and modelling software more user-friendly
  • I work under Dr. Allebach and Dr. Delp developing smartphone application
  • I developed an application that would read RSS Feeds from the purdue website and display random feeds on a widget
  • I'm currently developing an application that will take a picture, GPS coordinates and user comments of a pothole or tree issue and send it to West Lafayette's Street Maintenance


  • National Director of Technology for Beta Chi Theta National Fraternity, Inc.
  • ENGR 104 Peer Mentor
  • PHYS 172 TA


Alumni Liaison

Abstract algebra continues the conceptual developments of linear algebra, on an even grander scale.

Dr. Paul Garrett